Orienteering and Snarled (Summer Special, Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Laff and Madison

Hamilton: *eyes as wide as dinner plates* What... I have to be on a team... with JEFFERSON?

Jefferson: Quinn, you did this on purpose!

Quinn: *smiles innocently* Me? Tommy, my feelings are hurt.

Herc: And there's no way in [bleep!]ing [bleep!] I'm competing with Sammy. He's such a-

Eliza: *glares sharply at*

Herc: OW MY EYE! *falls*

Burr: Out of all the people I could've been partners with, why did it have to be... *looks over at Angelica* 

Angelica: *walks past him snootily* Don't make me lose. Okay?

Burr: *shivers* 

King George: I am not playing this. It requires too much dirt.

Quinn: Sorry, buddy, but you gotta play. 

King George: Hmmm. Well, at least I have a worthy teammate. Next to Washington, you all look small. 

Everyone: *shudders*

Hamilton: THAT'S IT I'M GOING HOME. *turns around and tries to head back to the bus*

[The bus zooms away]

Hamilton: [BLEEP!]


Maria: *says quietly to Peggy* Well, I guess we're partners. I'll do my best.

Peggy: *grins* We'll do better than that. Those boys are going down. 

Philip: *runs over to Quinn* Hey, Quinn... how come me and Theo aren't on any teams?

Quinn: Oh, this is only for the grown-ups. I'm sorry, dude.

Philip: *groans* We never get to do anything fun!

Quinn: Sorry, Pip. But don't worry, because you, Theo, and Susan are gonna get to enjoy everything Camp Glitter has to offer. 

Philip: Really?

Quinn: Yeah! In fact, here come your chaperones now!


Eliza: *eyes widen* What-

Veronica: *wearing a blue tank top and black shorts* Hey, Quinn. Wait, did you say chaperones-

Quinn: Hey, you two! Enjoying camp?

Veronica: *smiles* Yeah. We bought our summer clothes and we're going camping, just like we said we would. *swings J.D.'s hand* Now, what was that part about chaperones?

Quinn: Thanks so much for keeping an eye on the kids. *gently brings Philip and Theo to them* They're good kids, you won't even know they're there.

Veronica: You're the worst, Quinn, you know that, right?

Eliza: Wait, J.D. is watching my son?! Can't we talk about this?!

Quinn: They'll be fine. He's a changed man. Besides, Veronica's his permanent chaperone. She'll keep all the children in check. 

J.D.: Excuse me?

Quinn: *turns to the Philip and Theo* Why don't you guy check out the pool?

Philip and Theo: POOL! *take off running towards the pool*

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