Chapter 19 - Paintball

Começar do início

"West!" He looks over at me and I point at the person getting closer, I don't think they saw us because they were literally not shooting at all, just running and that was kinda the stupidest move they could've made in the entire game.

West shoots them and I watch as they fall to the ground. The person flips West off and I laugh as they trudge off to the side and take off their mask. It was Josh. I continue to laugh and forget the game until there's a gun pointed at my side.

"Oh gosh," I say turning around and being met face to face with Jacob.

"Move and I'll shoot you."

"You'd be a good villain," is all I can get out before he kicks my gun out of my hand and pushes it out of reach from me.

"I know, I'm amazing right," he momentarily loses himself and I'm able to twist around and grab his gun pointing it upwards.

We struggle with it for a while and I know I'm not gonna win this. He was stronger than me and the gun was tilted towards me already. Just as I'm wondering where all my lame teammates were, I hear a click.

We both freeze and then I hear the voice of an angel.

"Let go of the gun and get up Jacob or I'll shoot you," Ali's voice comes from behind him.

Sighing he lets go of the gun and I grab it pointing it at him as well. Ali moves to the front of him and smiles sweetly before pointing her gun towards the Southern area and pulling the trigger.

Jacob'e eyes widen as he clutches his precious jewels and falls to the floor.

"What was that for?!?!?" He yells rolling around on the floor.

"You being born," Ali says before running off to retrieve the flag since there were only two more people left on the other team because West had shot Tabitha.

I try to muffle my laugh with my hand and crouch down beside him.

"Are you alright?" I ask trying not to laugh.

"You're laughing!" He shouts in disbelief.

"No, I'm not!"

"Yeah, you are! I can hear you!" He says looking up to confirm his suspicions.

"I'm not!" I say trying to cover up my smile.

"You are!"

"No I'm not, lets just drop this," I say because I know I'm gonna burst out laughing sooner or later.

"Help me up."

I grab his hand and pull him up halfway before pulling my hand back and letting him fall back to the ground.

"Yes! I finally did it!" I fist pump the air while a wild beast scowls at me.

I look away and back to the game to see that Ali, Alex and I are the only ones left.

"C'mon up," I yank him up not really caring and quickly help him over to the side before turning around to continue the game.

"Wait!" Jacob grabs my arm pulling me back.

"What?" Our faces were inches apart and all I could do was stare into his eyes. His beautiful, deep green eyes, if only he wasn't such a jerk.

He doesn't say anything but I can see his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. Oh no. I was not kissing this narcissistic jerk again even though the first time was amazing.

"Jacob I have a game to finish," I pull away ignoring his protests and run for the flag since Ali was keeping Alex busy. I get the other team's home base and pull their flag out of the ground and make a dash for my base. I hear shouts of encouragement from my team members and get to the base just before getting shot by a paintball.

"So close!" I hear Alex shout before my team engulfs me in a hug. Now all I can hear is the ending of Dora where she's singing that song like, 'we did it, we did it, we did it yeah, lo hicomis, we did it,' oh my gosh what was wrong with me.

I'm pulled back to reality when two strong arms wrap around my waist from behind. "Good job, Riley," Jacob says. I twist around and give him a hug, "I guess the best team won."

He pulls me closer, "you know, my lips aren't going to kiss themselves."

"There's a first time for everything."

Day 1 of 'BYHRB Revenge' was complete.


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This is completely unedited.

Jacob's BetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora