Chapter 11 - Lost Kids

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"I can't believe you guys lost them!" Ashton say jogging towards the car that we were currently seated in.

I had decided to call Ashton to come help us since neither of us wanted to call our parents and tell them what was going on.

"It's not our fault! We simply turned our backs on them for a few seconds and then poof they were gone," okay so that might've of been a lie, but there was some sort of truth in there.

"Pffffft, how stupid do you think I am?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" I ask folding my arms over my chest.

"Wow, you're a great sister," Ash says ruffling my hair.

I scowl trying to fix my hair while he asks Jacob if we had called anyone.

"Nope. No one."

"You guys are such idiots, how do you lose two kids?? Remind me in a few years never to keep my children with you, worst babysitters ever. Get out of the car and let's start looking around here, they couldn't have gone that far."

"I would, but you see, there's one slight problem," I say as Jacob gets out of the car.

Ashton just raises an eyebrow.

"I broke my leg."

"Please tell me you're joking."

"She's not joking," Jacob answers for me.


"C'mon, do you need help getting out?" Jacob asks as I struggle to get out of the car with the stupid crutches.

Yeah, I'm on crutches and it sucks. What sucks even more was that after I told Ashton I had broken my leg, he made us go to the hospital first and now we were back at the park looking for the kids.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not."

"Yeah I am, now move out of the way," I say pushing him away from the car door.

"Fine, but don't come crying to me when you fall over and break your other leg."

I roll my eyes and get out of the car all the while scanning over the place. We were gonna be in so much trouble. Two little kids. Lost.

"Where do we start looking?"

"I say we split up, we should look in the forest," Ashton says gesturing to the forest that surrounded one half of the park, "and look among the roads and houses," he says pointing to the other half of the forest.

"I'll take the forest," Jacob says.

"Ok, I'll take the roads and houses then," Ashton says.

"Well what about me?"

"You can go with me into the forest."

"No way, I'm not going in there, especially not at 6pm, what if we get lost?"

"We won't."

"Whatever, I'm going with Ashton."

"I don't want you to come with me," Ashton says furrowing his eyebrows.


"You're annoying," Ashton replies smirking.

"I am not!"

"Yeah you are," they both reply simultaneously.

"Whatever, I'm not going into the forest."

"Fine, Ashton, you take the forest, I'll go with Riley."


"Let's go," Jacob says taking a step towards me.

"Fine, but don't walk too fast, I'm still getting used to this," I say hobbling with the damn crutches.

"I hate slow walkers."

"Then you should've taken the forest."

"Felt bad that Ashton had to go with you so I took one for the team."

"Did you? Did you really? Or did you just want to spend time with the most fabulous person on Earth?" I say stopping and turning to him.

"One, you're not fabulous and two, like I said, I took one for the team," he says continuing to walk. I struggle to catch up with him and when I do I put one of my crutches in front of his foot and he trips. His eyes widen and he turns to me as I try to stifle a laugh, "I'll get you back once you're off crutches."

"Sure, sure."


It'd been about an hour since we left Ashton and it was currently 7, we had looked everywhere and we still couldn't find them. I was getting pretty worried. I tried texting Ashton asking if he had found them but he hadn't replied and I'm scared he got kidnapped by a bear or something.

"Let's go back to the park, maybe Ashton's there," Jacob says turning around.

"What are we gonna do if we can't find them?" I say starting the 5 minute walk back to the park.

"I don't know, but one thing I do know is that I'm starving," Jacob says at the same time that his stomach growls.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Maybe 12 hours ago..."

"How do you even survive that long, come, we'll go to my place and get you something to eat and then look for them," I say turning in the direction of the car.

"I can eat at my house."

"You had your chance, lets go."

"It seems like nobody cares about the kids."

"They've survived this long, what makes the next 30 minutes any different?"

"I don't know, maybe the fact that they could be across the world with no one to look after them."

"Eh, they'll live."

When we arrive at the front of my house, Jacob starts to panic, God knows why.

"Crap! Do I look ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"What do you mean why? What about my hair? Is it okay?" He says voice rising as he runs a hand through his hair.

"It looks like it always does, why?"

"What about my clothes? Do they look presentable?" He asks straightening his shirt.

"Dude, you look the same as every other day, why are you asking?"

"Because I'm meeting your parents!"

"Not a big deal."

"Yeah it is!"

"No it isn't, and going in there and telling them that we lost two kids isn't exactly gonna make a good impression so it doesn't matter, they'll hate you either way."

"Gee, thanks for the words of encouragement."

I don't reply and slowly walk over to the door knocking repeatedly until somebody opens the door.

"I knew it was you, why do you always knock so many times?"

"So that people can tell the queen is coming wait WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?"


Sorry this chapter isn't as good as I would've liked and that nothing interesting happened but it's a chapter either way. Instead of me updating in the next 2-3 days like usual, just for the next chapter I'm gonna update in 4 days because I need some time to write because I honestly don't even know where this story is going.

If you see any typos please let me know and vote for this chapter !

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