Chapter 3 - He Ships Jacley

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I look to the field and see Jacob, he catches my eye and gives me a thumbs up grinning like a maniac.

I get up, ignoring every word coming out of Ali and Alex's mouth and go find Ashton so we can leave. I can't believe I lost. I lost Jacob's bet.

"Ash!" I yell over the crowd when I finally find him, he turns and says goodbye to his friends before coming over towards me.

"Did you see the way Hunter scored that last goal! It was so cool, he wa-"


"Yeah didn't you see?"

"I'm going to kill that little piece of dipshit!" I say turning around and running towards the field.

I finally get to the field where it's so crowded I can barely see my own feet, I can hear Ash calling me from behind but I just continue on my way.

"Hey, Riley!" I hear Hunter yell.

Okay so I'm not really the aggressive type but just this once, just this once, I had to do something. I turned around and jumped on him, both of us falling to the floor, when I was about to throw my first punch, I was pulled off of him, my legs kicking the air.

"Whoever you are, PUT ME DOWN!" I yell to the person behind me. I see Ashton help Hunter get up in front of me.

"Woah calm down."

"No! You calm down, I just lost a bet to some idiotic foo-" I turn around to face the person who was holding me and cut my sentence off when I realise who it is.

Turning back around to face Hunter and Ashton, I'm quickly bombarded with questions from the both of them.



"YOU WERE ABOUT TO PUNCH ME!" Thank you captain obvious.

"HAVE YOU GONE INSANE?" I've always been insane.

"WHAT DID I EVEN DO?" You ruined my life.

"YEAH SIS, WHAT DID HE EVEN DO?" Do I really have to say this again? He ruined my life.


I grab Hunter and pull him away from the crowd and into the school hallways so that we both wouldn't have to shout.

"I can't tell you what you did but I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump you like that," I say when I finally realise I was overreacting.

"Why? We're best friends, you can tell me anything," he says a hint of hurt laced in his voice.

"I know but I just can't."

He sighs. "You're lucky I trust you with whatever deep shit you're getting yourself into."

"Who said anythi-"

"I know you, and I know what you're like."

I smile at that.

"C'mon lets get back onto the field to celebrate with everybody else," Hunter says pulling my arm.

When we're back on the field, everyone is still there celebrating and talking, Hunter is taken away from me by a bunch of girls so I go to find Ash.

"Hey look it's my new girlfriend!" Jacob says coming towards me and kissing me on the cheek. The crowd goes silent as I make a face of disgust and rub my cheek, definitely need to wash that cheek as soon as I get home.

"Jacob, what are you doing?" I whisper so only he could hear.

"What do you think I'm doing? You're my girlfriend now," he replies slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Woah woah woah. That certainly escalated quickly," Ash says coming out of no where, "I swear you hated him about 3 minutes ago when he pulled you off of Hunter."

I look to Jacob in alarm and in reply he just shrugs. Shit. We needed a cover story and Mr Jerky McJerkingson over here wasn't going to provide one.

"Well, umm actually, this morning when I was walking into the uh school...yeah school, I was umm pulled into one of the classrooms where Jacob asked me to be his uhh girlfriend so I umm said yes."

Jacob just looks at me and gives me this are-you-crazy-because-no-decent-human-being-is-going-to-believe-that look. I shrug in response and we both turn to wait for Ash's reply.

"Wow you guys, okay I actually have to tell you something," Ash says rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"What?" Jacob and I reply in unison.

"Umm I've like shipped Jacley for as long as I can remember."

You've got to be kidding me. I guess my brother isn't a decent human being after all.


Chapter 3! I'm sorry, this is a really short chapter and nothing really interesting even happened, BUT i am very excited to post chapter 5 (even if it's two chapters away) because i will be uploading pics of the characters and because it's my favourite chapter yet. If you see any typos please notify me, thank you :)

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