Chapter 1 - Introductions

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"Riley!" I turn around upon hearing my name and accidentally collide with someone's chest.

"Watch it moron," I say just as I look up.

Alex. Alex Cooper to be exact. Alex was one of two best guy friends who I've known for a long time. We met in 4th grade and have been friends ever since.

He had brown hair that was always styled really nicely, brown eyes and was overall just perfection. He could be a secret Abercrombie and Fitch model for all I know.

"Chill, it's just me," he says chuckling.

"Sorry I didn't see you."

"No kidding."

"Shut up," I say hitting his chest lightly.

Now, can I just point out the fact that Alex and I had a lot of things in common for example, we both LOVED eating, watching movies, playing basketball, beanies - speaking of which, I need to adjust mine right now - and lots more that I just can't name because I can't think of any more while underpressure. Yeah so it wasn't really a surprise to find out that all the classes we had were the same excluding Math and Science.

As we walked to first period, we joked a bit more and that's basically how our morning started. We went to class, didn't learn a thing, met up with our other friends and had recess, back to classes, talked our ass off, and finally the time for lunch had arrived.

Just as I was walking out of my English class with Alex, I saw Ali - short for Alison - rush towards us.

Alison Maxwell my one and only girl best friend. We'd known each other since birth and our dads are best friends, we also have a lot in common - way more than me and Alex - for example, we both love shopping, Liam Hemsworth, shoes, and a lot more that I can't name while under pressure. Oh right, I probably forgot to mention that Alex and Ali were dating...oops but yeah they started dating about a year ago and don't get me wrong, I ship Alexson so badly but sometimes young love can be annoying.

"Hey Alex," Ali says giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe," he says smiling back and entwining their fingers.

5 words is all I have: GET ME OUT OF HERE

"Hey lovebirds! I gotta go to my locker so I'll just meet you at the usual place?" I say referring to the Tree. The Tree was our usual meeting place for recess, lunch and whatever else, it's basically where all the shit goes down.

"Yeah sure, but we both know, you're only leaving because of our PDA," Alison replies grinning.

I roll my eyes as a reply and quickly make my way towards my locker. Putting my things away, I grab what I need for last period aka Math, put it into my bag and then walk towards the Tree.

"RILEYYYYYYY!!" I hear someone call as I walk closer. Quickly realising who it is, I shout back much louder, "HUNTERRRR!!"

So there you have it, my three best friends.

Hunter Riverwood:
Loud, annoying, captain of the soccer team and the most funniest person on Earth.

Alex Cooper:
Smart and talkative but not the type to talk your ear off, he's more of the listening type.

And finally, Alison Maxwell:
The best friend, everybody wished for. She was smart, pretty, trustworthy and amazing. We never kept any secrets from each other and I honestly don't know what I'd do without her.

But I'd also like to give a few facts about me:
1 - I'm very sarcastic but not the crazy kind of sarcastic
2 - I love chocolate a lot, like you don't even understand
3 - I'm actually a great friend once you get past all that sarcasm
4 - I have one older and younger brother
5 - I'm sixteen turning 17 in two months
6 - I'm about 172cm tall but all three of my friends are taller than me
7 - My full name is Riley Lancaster
8 - I HATE Jacob Walker, I don't know why but I just can't stand him, he doesn't really hate me as much though

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