Spark in the Dark (Rex Brown)

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Oh, welcome to the party 
It's only me and you...

I grinned to myself as Rex's house came into view. He was having a party tonight! I could hear music blasting as I came closer. And of course, me being the kind lady I am, i knocked on the door before entering. I was shocked to see no one else was here yet. I wasnt that early, only a few minutes.

"STAR!! How are ya??" Rex grinned as he gave me a hug.

"In good, thanks! Say, where is everyone else?" I looked up at him.

"I'd imagine they will be showing up any time now, or they just want to be fashionably late. Well come on, we can still get this party started!" Rex exclaimed. He grabbed us drinks, and we started to talk about random things.

"Want some bagel bites? I know they're your favorits," rex grinned. I smiled.

"I love bagel bites and could eat them all myself, but I still think we should wait for people to show up,"

"Oh, right," rex shrugged. It was kind of odd how rex only had all of my favorite snacks and drinks, and all of my favorite tunes were playing..

"No one else is showing up, isn't that right rex?" A blush crept onto his face at my question.

"They're all just late!" He exclaimed.

"Rex it's been an hour." I put a hand on my hip. He sighed.

"Okay, I lied, there is no party. I wanted to hang out with you alone cause I really like you, but was too chicken to ask, so I just said I was having a party. He sheepishly admitted, looking away from me.

"Aw rex! I would have hung out with you no matter what!" I squealed, throwing my arms around his neck.

"Well, how about some bagel bites then?"

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