Send Down The Rain (Piggy D)

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I cursed under my breath as it suddenly started to pour, of course it had to start raining right as I'm trying to bring in groceries! But I couldn't help but smile as I thought of the rain. One of my favorite days of my life occurred because of the rain.

I shivered as I crossed my arms, desperately trying to keep myself warm as the rain poured down, but had no such luck. I sat here, locked outside of my house. My phone was inside, and my roommate wouldn't be home for a little bit, so I was left with no choice but to shiver in the chilling rain. I kept mentally cursing myself for going out to get the mail, and somehow managing to lock the door on my way out. Across the street, I saw a man emerge out of his house, a black umbrella opened over him. He quickly crossed the street, coming directly towards me. I automatically shrunk back in fear; who is this dude and what does he want? I could only stare up at him with wide eyes as he now stood over me. I've seen this guy pretty often, since we were neighbors, but I never talked to him, let alone take a good look at his face.

"Hello miss, my name is Matt and I couldn't help but notice that you've been locked outside for a while. Would you like to come into my place for a bit until your roommate gets back? Ya know, just so you're out of the cold rain." He offered a gentle smile.

"I-i don't wanna be a bother," I stuttered out, teeth chattering.

"Oh no don't worry, I was just watching horror movies by myself." He laughed softly.

"Okay, sure then," I smiled as I stood up, and followed him back to his house.

"I don't know if this is too weird, but would you like some clothes to change into? Uhh ya know, since yours are all wet and cold," he awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"That would be nice, if you don't mind," I spoke before he lead me to his room. He pulled out a pair of gray sweatpants and a long sleeve Led Zeppelin t shirt.

"They're both small on me, so hopefully they fit you well enough. I'll be downstairs," he said before closing the door, giving me my privacy. I quickly took off my wet clothes and slipped into his warm ones. I let out a sigh of relief. His clothes smelled wonderful. I went back downstairs, wet clothes in hand.

"What do I do with these?" Matt's head turned towards me as he heard me spoke.

"Oh, here," he stood up and took them from me, informing me he would put them in the dryer. "Well feel free to make yourself at home," he gestured to the space on the couch next to him. I sat down and pulled a blanket over me. I grinned as Matt pressed play on the film he was watching, IT.

"This is one of my favorite movies,"I squealed with delight.

"Me too," he grinned"

"Becca??" Piggy snapped me out of my thoughts as he came outside.

"Sorry... the rain made me think about when we first met," I grinned at him,which he happily returned.

"Come on hun, let's get you into some dry clothes," piggy said as he helped me carry in the rest of the groceries. A strong sense of deja vu washed over me as we cuddled up on the couch, watching horror movies.

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