Beard (Jerry Cantrell)

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I was messing around with Snapchat filters, waiting for Jerry to get out of the shower. He was taking a bit longer than usual. He finally came out after a little bit.

"Hey Jer-" I screamed when I saw that his beard was gone "Jerry!! Why the hell did you shave?!"

"I told you we start filming the Nona tapes tomorrow, and that I had to dress up as a girl for it," he shrugged as I stared at his baby face with shock.

"I loved your beard, Jerry," I murmured softly.

"The hair is still in the garbage can if you want it," he chuckled, making me slap him.

"Not funny Jerry. I'm not kissing you til that thing grows back," I crossed my arms.

"Baby!" He pleaded, But I wouldn't listen.

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