Chapter 10: Heart to Heart

Start from the beginning

"Blood bending is pure evil and a gruesome art of water bending I discovered myself," I explained, sitting back down on my bed.

Zuko followed after me, expressing a solemn silence.

"I didn't want to do it ever again. I mean, I couldn't. It's uncontrollable; and it hurt me to know that I used it against my friend. It drains everything out of me. I feel like fainting right now."

I was tired. But I was angry and sad, a mix of emotions. I couldn't believe it. Katara hated me; our friendship was just a blatant lie. And I was that gullible to believe our friendship was true.

"But don't you think blood-bending is actually good in a way? You can control people around you, and in this way you have so much power." Zuko asked.

"No. You've got it all wrong. I don't care about power. It's evil, haven't I said so? It's an evil form of bending that I would never want to do again." I said, sadly.

"Sure." Zuko looked away from my gaze

"Then it's her loss to have deceived you like that and your friendship. There's actually no one in this world that you can trust."

"I feel betrayed." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Betrayal. I know how it feels," Zuko placed his hand on my shoulder and gave a forced half smile. I shuddered slightly, seeing him smile for once, even if it was forced.

"What do you think I should do?" My mind was blank as I spoke. I was really dizzy, and I felt like I was about to collapse.

"Do nothing," Zuko looked at me.

"You'll have to move. Don't forget that we have a mission to capture the Avatar." Zuko said it so emotionlessly, I suddenly felt as if he didn't understand me again.

For a moment, I thought he did understand me, for once at least, but he didn't.

I frowned in frustration at his words.

"All you care is about your stupid Avatar. Why don't you just stop and think of how I feel, and what I need?" I stepped towards Zuko and spoke up, with whatever remaining energy I have left.

Because I was so dizzy, from that outburst itself, I felt myself losing strength and fell onwards to Zuko.
Zuko caught me in his arms and held me as I breathed quietly, resting my tired head on his shoulder.

Zuko kept silent, but continued holding me, with his hands on my shoulders. He was stiffening up at the body contact we shared.

"I think all you need now is a good rest," Zuko muttered under his breath. "You're exhausted."

I could feel his hand touching my forehead, even though my eyes were closed.

"Let me stay like this, for a moment." I said quietly, though I'm not sure Zuko heard me. I was really tired, and this was a feeling of comfort I craved for ever since I left home. It felt good for some reason, that someone was embracing me in this way. Albeit it was a forced one.

It was weird that I started feeling as if Zuko was someone who gave comfort.

I'm not too sure why, but I believed Zuko was different from the other Fire Nation people. He may be evil, violent and ruthless, but he was a nice guy deep inside.

"Thank you, Prince Zuko." I whispered into his ears.

Zuko's POV

"Let me stay like this, for a moment."

Tasha breathed into my shoulders as I continued to hold on to her after she collapsed on to me. Her breathing was shallow, she seemed frail and tired.

This was the first time I've ever seen her so vulnerable, especially to me.

Ordinary me would have already pushed her away at such a contact, but for some reason, this felt nice.

"Thank you, Prince Zuko."

I heard her mumble.
Was she thanking me now? For what?

I thought she hated me with all of her guts.

I relaxed my tensed up body and awkwardly placed an arm around her shoulders.

A few moments passed in this position, and Tasha slowly pulled away. I looked back down at her face, which looked more at peace than usual.

"You aren't so bad after all, Prince Zuko."

She gave me a soft smile.

"I'm going to my room to rest," I said, turning away. "You have some rest too."

And I walked away. Quickly. My face started burning in embarrassment, and I didn't want her to see any of it.

This felt nice.

Somehow or somewhat, this girl, she made me realise that finding the Avatar shouldn't be the most important thing in my life right now.

Maybe I am tired, my mind seemed to be distracted lately.

I gave myself a mental slap.

What about your honor, Zuko. The honor that you've always wanted to regain? Is it less important than an insignificant girl, that you've captured?

But this feeling I have inside of me, that seemed to be affection, or something, towards Tasha. She was, somewhat, precious in a way. I saw how she protected me at the temple the other day, and how she still wants to protect me despite me being her capturer.

She had a good heart. She was obedient, kind, selfless. Yet so strong and powerful. That was something I really respected.


Come on Zuko.
You have Mai - she's waiting for you back at the fire nation; and as soon as you capture the Avatar and regain your rightful position at the throne, you'll be back with Mai. Now's not the time to betray her like this.

"Soon," I sighed. "I'll be back at the fire nation."


A/N: Hey readers! Hope you guys have been enjoying Forbidden so far :)

Just want to let you guys know that I will not be following the exact timeline of events in the show (I think some of you may have noticed) - So don't be too alarmed if things don't turn out the same way as you expected them to be. I'll be twisting some parts of the story - But rest assured I will make sure they fall into place nicely.

In the coming chapters, some readers may find it a little confusing because the storyline changed so much. But no worries, if there is anything unclear about the story please let me know so that I can improve on it. I'm not the best writer out there so... I'll greatly appreciate that you guys can help me out with it. That's all for now, do continue to vote and support Forbidden! :)

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