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   Hoseok woke up to laying on Yoongi and he had to think for a minute before remembering they were at Jin and Namjoon's House. He smiled and looked up at his sleeping boyfriend, gently rubbing his chest. He knew Yoongi must have been tired after that performance and he was proud at how well Yoongi did. His hand was still rubbing Yoongi's chest and he hadn't realized until a hand grabbed his. He looked up and saw Yoongi looking down at him. "Morning sleepy head.." He said and leaned up to kiss him. "How did you sleep?" He asked and Yoongi smiled. "Pretty good.." He said and wrapped his arms around Hoseok, pulling him up and closer. He smiled and ran his fingers through Hoseok's hair, "what do you wanna do today?" He asked and Hoseok shrugged. "This is pretty good right here.. But I do have to work later.. And so does Jungkook.." He said sadly, pouting when he looked up at Yoongi. "That's okay... We can cuddle when you get off.. When do you have to go?" He asked and Hoseok turned his phone on to look at the time. "In two hours.." He pouted and hid his face in Yoongi's chest.

"Ohh.. we should probably head home soon since that takes about thirty minutes from here.. We should go wake up Jungkook.." Yoongi said and Hoseok whined as he sat up and Yoongi chuckled. He strod and went to the room Jungkook, Tae, and Jimin are in. He opened the door and smiled when he saw them all cuddling. "Kook... Kookie.. You gotta get up so you can get ready for work.." He said and shook Jungkook. He chuckled when Jungkook looked at him with half-open eyes and nodded. Yoongi left when Jungkook began getting up. "Babe, I'm gonna run home and get dressed.. Jungkook will pick me up in the squad car.. You can stay here and eat breakfast.. Jin said you should stay and eat since it's still early.." Hoseok said and went over to kiss the still groggy Yoongi. "Okay.. Be safe.." Yoongi said and kissed back. "I'll see you later, Baby.." Hoseok said as he left.

Yoongi forgot that Jungkook was still here and he turned to where Jimin and Tae were now cuddling on the couch. "I'm having a party tonight.. Wanna come?" He asked and the two smirked with a nod. The three of them loved having their parties at the frat house. He had a huge smile on his face and then turned to see Jungkook standing there, in his uniform. "Shit... Don't tell Hobi.. You guys will probably find out later, but don't tell him.." He begged and Jungkook scowled and left to go get Hoseok so they could clock in. Yoongi laughs and then the three of them post on the college website about the party and there are already people saying they can't wait; people who are bringing alcohol; people bringing food and other stuff. "Can you believe this will be my last party as a student at this College?" Yoongi asked and sat down, looking at Tae and Jimin. "Oh yeah! That's right! You're graduating with a fucking Master's Degree in Music this year!" Tae said and jumped up to hug Yoongi. "I can't believe it's already been that long.." He said and they all nodded.

Their celebration was cut short due to Jin yelling for them to come and eat. They did and saw a still very asleep Namjoon attempting to eat too. Yoongi laughed when Jin had to feed him. "How are you not this tired after that performance yesterday?" He grumbled at Yoongi, who shrugged. After they ate, Yoongi, Jimin, and Tae left to go get things ready for the party. Hoseok texted Yoongi.

Hey Baby

Hey Sunshine how's today been so far?

Eh the usual speeding ticket every now and then but mostly just sit here and talk

Ahh well either way remember what I said

Be safe I know;) love you Baby I gotta go get this person

Okay Sunshine love you too

Yoongi smiled to himself and put his phone in his pocket. Jimin, Tae, and himself were at the frat house getting stuff ready by 8pm. People were showing up with beer, liquor, and other strong drinks. Yoongi chuckled as he talked to another student about different things. It wasn't until a lot of people showed up that it started getting riled up. Yoongi had had a few drinks but he wasn't drunk. For some reason, he couldn't find it in him to want to get drunk. He walked around and it seemed that they were having a good time. And they were. Until a guy showed up. A guy whom Yoongi knew very well, but he was the last person he wanted to see. Jimin came up to him with wide eyes. "Yoongi.... Avoid him.. Don't cause any trouble.." He said and Yoongi nodded. The last thing he wanted was to interact with his ex abusive boyfriend. They were together for only three weeks, but boy did he do some damage to Yoongi.

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