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    Yoongi was walking to class and he heard a siren behind him then he saw a cop car pull up next to him and he saw Jungkook. "Officer..." He said and saw Hoseok. "Mr Min... walking to class I see... Don't be late... seems like you are about to be..." He said as he looked at the time. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his phone. "Shit!" He said before he began to run to class. Jungkook began laughing and even Hoseok did too.

Yoongi ran to the class room door and it was shut. He knocked on the door, even though he knew the rule. 'No entering after the door if closed.' He sighed and walked off, deciding this would be one of his skip school days. He walked outside and laid on one of the benches.

An hour later, someone came up and tapped on Yoongi, "Man, where have you been? You weren't in class." Jimin asked as Yoongi sat up. "I missed the bell...." he said and Jimin huffed, knowing what that meant the rest of his day would be like. Yoongi heard the bell ring and laid back down. "Don't miss the bell..." he said and Jimin hit him before going to class.

When Yoongi skipped school, he tended to do things that could get him in trouble. He sat up and looked around before going to the nearby bar. He bit his lip and sat down, ordering a beer. He wasn't going to get drunk, or that's what he planned. He ended up getting slightly drunk, not drunk enough to be too stupid but enough to do stupid stuff. He walked out of the bar and by now, school was out. He stumbled slightly and grumbled when he ran into someone. He wasn't drunk enough to not know what he was doing, he was defiantly able to tell what he was doing. "Watch it!" He said and saw Jimin coming his way. The man he bumped into pushed him back, "Who you telling to watch it?" He said and Yoongi scoffed, "You." He said and earned a punch in the jaw.

Jimin sighed and tried to bring Yoongi away, but Yoongi pulled away and charged at the man. A crowd began to gather to watch Yoongi fight the guy. Yoongi hit the guy multiple times and brought him to the ground. Officer Jeon and Jung heard the commotion and went to see what was going on, but when Hoseok saw Yoongi on top of the other guy beating him to a pulp his eyes widened. "Hoseok, get Yoongi! I'll get the other." He said and they both ran in to try and separate them.

Hoseok grabbed Yoongi and began trying to pull him away, "Yoongi, stop!" He said and Yoongi fought to not let Hoseok get him. Jungkook grabbed the other guy and soon they had Yoongi and the other man separated. Yoongi had been hit a few times and was bleeding. "Yoongi, what's gotten into you!?" He whisper shouted and then smelled the alcohol. "Officer Jeon, I'll take him home..." he said and put Yoongi in his patrol car. Jimin talked to Jungkook about the fight then went home.

Hoseok practically pushed Yoongi into their now shared apartment. "Yoongi, you can't just go and drink then get into fist fights!" He said as he pushed Yoongi to sit on the couch. He was upset and didn't like the fact that Yoongi had done it. He went and got a wet rag and cane back to Yoongi. He crouched in front of him and gently began wiping the blood off of Yoongi's face. Yoongi winced slightly, but didn't say anything he just watch Hoseok as he did it. "Yoongi, that man was much bigger than you... he could have really hurt you...." he said and Yoongi looked away, "I didn't start it... and plus.. he didn't hurt me too bad..." he said and gave a slight smile. Hoseok sighed, "Yoongi, please be careful..." he said and finished wiping Yoongi's face. He leaned in and pecked Yoongi's lips. "Ugh you taste like beer... go take a shower and brush your teeth.." he said and helped Yoongi up.

Yoongi nodded and did as Hoseok said, then went to their room. He saw Hoseok laying on his stomach not facing him so he jumped on the bed and onto Hoseok, who chuckled and rolled so he was on his back. He wrapped his arms around Yoongi and they were both laughing. Yoongi flashed a gummy smile and leaned in to kiss Hoseok, who returned it happily. The kiss soon deepened and got heated, "Mmm... you had a rough day.... didn't you..." Yoongi said and moved so he was straddling Hoseok's waists.

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