
After saying good morning to M'gann, Conner walked to his room and opened his closet door pulling out one of his twenty black t-shirts with the red Super-family crest. He sighed as he looked at the Superman poster on the inside of his closet door. Only M'gann knew it was there. He closed the closed door and pulled the shirt on and then sat on his bed to pull his black combat boots on.

Getting up he walked over to the mirror and placed a small silver chain around his neck. It was a necklace given to him by the team for his first birthday and had been created by each member in some small way or another. Robin somehow managed to get his mitts on 7 ounces of pure silver from the Fort Knox* silver reserve. When Captain Marvel (Shazam) asked him how he got it, his only reply was "definitely not by breaking the law." Wally used his speed force lightning to melt the metal, and Artemis crafted the beautiful, thin chain with her superior braiding skills. Apparently, unlike Robin, she doesn't have an unlimited supply of gadgets, so she knows blacksmithing stuff from having to remake her damaged arrowheads. Aquaman infused it with electric powers so that should an enemy grab a hold of it in battle, well, let's just say they would be in for a nasty shock. Zatanna enchanted it to be unbreaking and impossible to lose. If he had to take it off and somehow misplaced it would appear around his neck within the next hour. And M'gann donated a jet black obsidian gem from Marz's largest volcano to be inlaid as a charm.

Conner, the french toast is ready! M'gann called out to him through their mind link. Conner's stomach grumbled, and he smiled as he walked out of the door and smelled the sugary goodness coming from the kitchen.


How does Aqualad even get up in the morning? Does he sleep? Does he eat? What does he eat? I feel like animals are a no go, so would he be vegan? Does he practice his grammar every morning? Does he meditate? I feel like he would be a guy who would meditate. He is just so stoic, my goofy goober brain is having difficulty computing. Somebody help me out here. I need ideas. Hey, wanna hear something random that is totally the opposite of Aqualad. Too bad, you have no choice now. GOATS SMELL LIKE MUSHROOMS AND WHEN YOU SHOOT A DUCK I AM SCARED OF TOASTERS. Yay.


It was 5:00 in the morning and Robin was up. Why? Scarecrow, that's why. Apparently, he had some master plan to fill one of those haunted house adventure places with fear gas. And before that, Joker had to be hunted down for deciding to use carrier pigeons to drop water balloons full of dog crap on pedestrians. It was not a particularly vicious crime, but nobody in the entire city dared to apprehend that crazed clown except for the bats. Again, it was 5:00 in the morning and Robin was not feeling the aster. He had not slept a wink the whole night, he smelled bad, he was hungry, and he had training at the cave in 3 hours. Peeling off his domino mask, Dick walked downstairs and into the kitchen to be greeted by the sight of Alfred cooking his favorite breakfast; three poached eggs, two Eggo waffles with syrup on the side, 1 bowl of blackberries, and a large cup of triple espresso coffee.

"Good morning, Master Richard," greeted Alfred in his smooth British accent. "I take the night's adventures were successful given that neither you are Master Bruce are mortally wounded in any way?" Dick smiled, "Good morning, Alfred. It was a good night. Can you hit me up with two caffeine pills? I'm going to put them in my belt in case the coffee wears off in the middle of training today. It would suck to be beaten by Wally just because my face falls asleep into his fist." Alfred chuckled lightly "Heaven forbid, we would never hear the end of it."

"Dick, finish up, I just got a call from Commissioner Gordon," a gravely voice sounded from the doorway behind Dick. Bruce was in full costume and holding the keys to the Batmobile. "It seems that there is a shoot out downtown between the police and a street gang. We have been called in to help." With that Bruce turned with a swish of his cape and headed towards the hangar.

"No rest for the weary?" Alfred said.

"No, definitely not." replied Dick.

Dick walked into the hangar chugging coffee and putting on his mask at the same time. He hopped into the Batmobile and wiped away his coffee-stash and grinned up at Bruce.

"Any chance I get to drive today?" Dick questioned.

"No. Besides, I thought you were exhausted" responded Bruce.

"Not when caffeine has a say!" quipped Dick. Bruce smiled, something he really only reserved for his adopted son, and slammed on the gas, shooting out of the cave and eliciting a surprised squeak out of Dick, who accidentally spilled coffee into his own lap.


*Fort Knox*- The fort is best known as the site of the United States Repository, which is used to house a large portion of the United States' official gold reserves. It also boasts some of the tightest and most advanced security in the world.

Authors Note - I wrote this a few years ago and originally posted it on Fanfiction.net under my account @fastgirl01.

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