15. Everything [THE END]

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But apparently they couldn't. Their lips had barely touched gently, when someone opened the door with a slam, taking big steps. "Hey there" Malia announced loudly before stopping at the living room door. Theo rolled his eyes, and growled softly. "This is getting ridiculous" Liam chuckled.

Malia took two long strides toward the sofa, her gaze fixed on Theo and pointed at him. "You"

Theo and Liam looked at her confused. Not just because she literally barged in there from nowhere, but because while pointing the finger at Theo, she didn't smell of anger (which was the smell that she usually had when she was close to Theo) but of euphoria.

"I didn't do anything," Theo mumbled, just in case

Malia shook her head, as if to tell him she did not want to hear that nonsense now. "Mason told me you know how to get a werewolf drunk," she said bluntly.

Theo raised an eyebrow in her direction. "So?"

"Is that true?"

"Liam, is that true?" Theo asked amused, turning to him.

Liam nodded, clenching his lips "Very true," he moaned then, when he remembered the hangover of the next day.

"Oh my God," Malia exulted "Where have you been for all my life?" She sighed.

Theo opened his mouth to answer 'in the sewers' but Liam had to foresee it, because he nudged his ribs to make him shut up.

At that point, Malia could not contain her euphoria. "Well then for the party tonight you bring the alcohol," she ordered in a cheerful tone that anyway did not admit arguments, then turned, and started to leave, literally hopping.

"Hey wait, is there a party?" Liam called in confusion.

Malia stopped and turned to him, rolling her eyes "But where do you guys live? Have you forgotten what day is it today?" To Liam's confused face, she snorted exasperated "New Year's Eve, dumb and dumber. And since we're all here now, it's worth celebrating "

"And where is this party?"

"Here," Malia exclaimed as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Liam wided his eyes and turned to Theo. "Are we throwing a party?" Theo whispered

"It seems we're throwing a party," Liam whispered in reply

"You knew it?"

"I didn't" Liam returned to Malia "Why here?"

"Your parents are not there, what better place?"

"Derek's?" Liam suggested, widening his eyes

"Derek has officially banned parties, raves, romantic secrets date and other shit like that from his loft. His words, not mine "

Liam thought for a moment "Well, he's got a point" Then he sighed "Okay, so it's a party"


In the early afternoon, Theo had officially recovered and the last wounds had disappeared, leaving nothing but scars on his skin. As a result, he returned to being the usual Theo.

"Do you mind giving me a hand?" Liam exclaimed, stopping trying to push the sofa and glaring at Theo sitting on the kitchen counter eating chips. And staring at him, but he could not know about this.

"Liam, you're a fucking werewolf, how can't you push a sofa against a wall?" He teased.

"Sure, then when my mum comes back and I'll have to explain to her why there are claw marks on her precious sofa, know that I won't let you escape from the window this time" Liam threatened, cheerfully. Theo looked at him motionless for two seconds then put the chips next to him and decided to join him.

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