what hurts the most

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chapter two: "what hurts the most"

41❤️, 13💬prettygirleon nvm, i have plans now

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41❤️, 13💬
prettygirleon nvm, i have plans now.

cheerup_jihyo heard abt what happened, stay strong we love you 💞

jyeon love u, see you soon

manny sorry, i still love you


nayeon was tired.

tired of being lied to, tired of trying, and tired of giving second chances.

how many times had it been now that she's given manny a second chance—a third chance? and how many times has he failed to show her he can change? the answer is several, she has done it several times now.

nayeon had caught her now ex-boyfriend cheating on her with some girl from his comic book club. they shared a love for the dislike of guardians of the galaxy, and since nayeon had never seen it (she actually skipped the movie when marathoning the marvel series) she could never talk to manny about how much he thought it sucked. apparently, to him that made her a less worthy girlfriend, so he found someone else to date, but he just never broke it off with nayeon.

it was all pretty stupid. when she caught them together and found out the reason, nayeon almost laughed at how stupid it all was. so she gave manny a second chance.

the second time was even more stupid.

it was nayeon's birthday party, jihyo and jeongyeon had come into town to celebrate with her and her family plus manny at a restaurant. the waitress had come to take their orders and she asked the group if they wanted straws.

this had caught manny's attention because he was an animal conservationist who only used metal, reusable straws. this was something nayeon had picked up on because she thought it was a good way to save the earth. that night she had forgotten to bring her reusable straw, so like any sane person who doesn't want to drink on a glass cup that is most likely dirty, she asked for a straw.

manny looked at her with a face of pure disgust and told the waitress there was no need for straws. then before she could leave, manny asked if she cared about turtles. this led to a whole conversation about how straws are harmful to the planet, while he looked at nayeon with disappointment.

of course she cared about the planet, but it was only one straw she would use—she didn't know it would cause this much damage in her relationship much less the earth.

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