i'm still standing

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chapter one: "i'm still standing"

32❤️, 12💬prettygirleon no summer plans, who wants to hang out? ☀️

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

32❤️, 12💬
prettygirleon no summer plans, who wants to hang out? ☀️

cheerup_jihyo miss you, nay! see you soon😘

jyeon nayeon said she's babie

somerandomdude wow you cute


the air that rushes past you whips your hair back, showing off your face. the face that adorns a huge, wide smile as you race through the streets. the sun beats down on you, casting a nice halo-like glow to cascade over your figure. the sound of wind and air fills your ears along with your laughter and the happiness you feel. it is the perfect start to your summer.

blue sky with cotton clouds, green grass with pretty pets, and yellow sun with friendly families, the whole neighborhood was out to celebrate what was the beginning of a beautiful summer.

and here you were, enjoying it by racing down the streets, greeting everyone who you passed.

"nice day at school?" one of the shop vendors ask as you pass them. he grins, hand up in a wave.

you smile back, turning around and moving backwards. "how can it not be a nice day when it's the last day of school?" you say, hands raised up in a complete happiness. the vendor simply shrugs, your energy rubbing off on him in a good way.

today was your last day of high school—ever. you graduated today and finished the last four years of your life with exceptional grades and a smile on your face.

your parents and family had attended, but you told them it was fine if they went ahead in the car, knowing it would be too much of a trouble to get in yourself. plus, you'd much rather be outside in the fresh air and greet the people of your town.

"woah, slow down," a woman walking her three yorkies says, grabbing onto your handles and turning you back in the right direction.

you smile sheepishly at her, rubbing the back of your neck. "sorry, miss. thank you."

she brushes off the apology, smiling back. "it's all good. have a nice day and congrats on graduating," she says, acknowledging the black cap and gown you have on.

you take your cap and tilt it down to her, making the woman laugh as you continue your stroll down to your house.

you have always enjoyed going on walks, the feeling of moving your legs up and down a hill was always very relaxing to you. you loved them even more now, even if the leg movements were much much more minimum.

SUMMER BUCKETLIST | nayeon x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin