The thought crossed her mind that this could be her chance. They were surrounded by armed guards, and they were on his territory. But she had a small chance of succeeding if Samantha helped her.

And then she thought of Sam. She was pregnant and living a happy life here.

Could she really jeopardize her cousin and her unborn child just because she'd had the misfortune of catching a psychopath's eye? Was that fair? When all she had to do, was give up a year of her life and they all walked away scotch free. No danger and no backlash. A year and then it would all be over, and they would be safe.

She must have been thinking too long because she heard Luca again and the tone was harsher this time.

'Do you understand Elizabeth?'

'I do.'

'Then get dressed and let's go.'

She did just that, and as they were walking out of the room down the stairs, Luca was telling her exactly what to say.

'You will tell her we kept regular contact after you left, we talked every day. Say I flew over to see you, and after six months apart you decided the long distance wasn't to your liking, so you decided to quit your job and come here to live with me. You didn't want to tell her cause you thought she'd not approve, considering how all this started.'

Down by the bottom of the stairs, Nikolaos waited for them.

'We seem to have an uninvited guest.'

Luca answered.

'I'm taking care of it.'

'See that you do.'

Nikolaos gave her a meaningful look before going back to his study.

They made their way outside, up the steps with Luca keeping a tight hold of her hand. When they reached the car park, Elizabeth saw Samantha for the first time in almost seven months.



She dropped Luca's hand and ran over to the gates.

'Open them.'

They just looked past her, and when she saw that they were looking at Luca, he gave them the ok for opening the gates.

Giving Sam a hug felt like a dream. Tears prickled at the back of her eyes.

'I missed you. So much Sam.'

Samantha squeezed her harder and said.


After a few more seconds she pulled her away a bit and whispered.

'What the hell is going on Lizzie? Two days ago old pictures of your last visit started appearing in the paper. It was of Luca and you kissing and holding hands. I try calling you a million times, but you don't pick up. And then all of a sudden I hear you're here but haven't told me? What are you doing here? Why didn't you tell me you were in Greece? And why are you here in this house? Is Luca holding you against your will?'

Luca had caught up by this point, and she could tell he heard what Sam had said.

What photos? She would have to ask him later.

She put on a smile and responded as calmly as she could.

'Of course not Sam, It would be hard for him to get me over to Greece if I didn't want to come, don't you think? I'm here because I want to.'

She took hold of Luca's and smiled up at him. Then she turned back to Sam.

'We just wanted to have some time together before I called and told you I was here. We're getting married, Sam.'

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