Chapter 23: The Theory

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I was in my cell, thinking about my theory, when grandpa contacted me.

"Jack? Did Violetis come?" he asked.

"Yeah, I refused. And I tried to get her to help me. It didn't work," I answered.

"How did you try to make her switch sides?"

"Well, I was told that she wasn't ordered to make the offer, and that she just wanted the glory of convincing me to quit. So I brought that up."

"How did she react?"

"She told me that she wasn't disobeying a direct order. Then I made a wild guess about Korlioth's motives. I said that he probably wanted all the medallions, and that I was the only one who could bring them to him because the Urgon medallion is linked to me."

"Oh, I never thought of that. It could be true. But why would he want to have all the medallions?"

"I assume it creates this 'Xorgion Essence' if you have them all."

"Oh, right I forgot about that part of the prophecy. You know, when I became a keeper, I was told that one person should never have all the medallions, except for the Grand Keeper. Maybe that was why."

"But, even if it is true, it's not like Violetis will just let us go. We need Zaria to help."


"Oh, right I forgot to tell you. After Violetis made her offer, someone came in my cell. She said her name was Zaria and told me that Violetis wasn't supposed to make the offer. Then she explained that in the seventh world, Chanlog, there is a council of eight wizards who want me to help, and that Korlioth used to be on the council but was banished because he used dark magic. So he's probably the dark wizard from the prophecy. Anyway, the eight current wizards on the council want me to succeed. Especially Krisofir, the wizard who discovered the prophecy. Then I ask if she was an important councilwitch and she explained that she was a witch but she wasn't part of the council because it was decided that the keeper shouldn't be a councilwizard or councilwitch. She was actually a spirit-projection talking to me from Chanlog."

"Wait, what?" said Ray, who had joined the conversation.

"Oh, hi Ray," I told him. "How much did you hear?"

"I only heard the part about Zaria, Chanlog, and all that."

"Well, I'll fill you in on the rest. Basically, while trying to get Violetis to switch sides, I made a wild guess about Korlioth. And I think it might be true. I think he wants all the medallions to create this 'Xorgion Essence'. And he needs me to bring them to him because the Urgon medallion is linked to me," I explained.

"Well, it makes sense. He wants power, and to get it, he needs the Xorgion Essence, to get that, he needs the medallions, and to get those, he needs you."

"This is all very confusing. I wish I had a way to contact Zaria. I don't think that's possible, though."

"Well, here's something that might cheer you up. Ray and I have started thinking of an escape plan," grandpa said.

"Well?" I asked, eager to hear it.

"We realized that the camera drone we bought in Jorind was still in Ray's pocket. It's so tiny that they didn't find it! We're not sure about how it'll be useful, but at least we have it."

"You better hide it. Violetis said that if I refused the offer, she would increase security."

"Oh, you're right. Where do I hide it?" Ray asked.

"I don't know. Look around."

I assumed my cel was like grandpa's and Ray's so I started looking for places I could hide things. Then I saw it. The ventilation shaft! If Ray somehow managed to get it open, he could store the drone in it.

"Ray! I think I found a place," I told him. "Do you think you can get the ventilation shaft open?"

"I see where you're going with this," he answered. "I think I can do it. The drone will be hidden in a few minutes."

We stopped talking and I waited for him to confirm that it was hidden. He did, and just on time because right after he told me "It's hidden", I heard guards approaching.

Time for the security increase, I thought.

Urgon (The Seven Worlds: Book 1) [Unfinished First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now