Chapter 15: Escape!

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The prison was small and dark. The guard wouldn't even let us talk. I started to think of some way to escape. I searched my cell for anything useful but unfortunately, the only objects were my discarded plate and a bucket. Suddenly, I remembered that the guards didn't take off the comm systems. Even the smallest whisper can be heard through these some systems so the guard didn't notice our conversation.

"Hey guys, it's Jack. Do you hear me?" I asked, using my earpiece.

"Loud and clear," Ray answered.

"I hear you, Jack," grandpa said.

"Do you still have your plate?" I questioned.

"Yes," they answered at the same time.

"And the bucket?"

"Yeah, why?" Ray asked.

"If we throw all our items at the same time we have a chance of knocking out the guard. I'm not sure though."

"Let's try it," grandpa said.

"On three," I told them, One, two, three!"

On three we threw our buckets and plates at the guard. Most of the objects hit him. And a few in the head. He had time to make a few sounds before passing out.

"Aaahhh! What? Ugh, whyyy....," he uttered before falling to the floor with a loud bang.

Unfortunately, he fell relatively far from our cells. Ray managed to grab one getaway rope and grab the keys using it. He used them to unlock himself. After leaving the cell, he proceeded to freeing us. Dyloan didn't understand a thing of what had just happened as he didn't have an earpiece. We explained to him before deciding what to do.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"First, we have to get our gear back. We'll decide what we do after that later," grandpa answered.

We snuck to the room where we saw the guards bring our equipment. It was some sort of storage room with weapons and confiscated items. We put on our stealth belts and took our other gear. We turned on our stealth belts and headed upstairs.

"Where do you think he keeps the medallion?" Ray questioned, using his earpiece.

"I don't know. It might not even be here. He could have been lying," I told him.

"Maybe we should hide in the shadows until we gain more information and get the medallion later," grandpa suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," I told him.

Once upstairs, we headed for the small corners and rooms that would serve as hiding spots. Ray stayed in a closet in the main room. Grandpa went back down and concealed himself near the barracks. Dyloan lied under a couch in some sort of sitting area and I hid close to Samulon's private chambers. Dyloan couldn't but Ray, grandpa, and I communicated our findings by using the comm systems. Apparently, the guard we knocked out was at the start of his shift so it took some time before another guard came to replace him and realized we had escaped. The captain of the guard went upstairs to go to Samulon's room and talk. The conversation was muffled but I could understand a few words. Enough to know that the medallion was indeed in this network of tunnels. The captain left slightly later. No other interesting things happened until Dyloan approached me and asked about what was happening. I told him what grandpa had observed and the information I had gathered from the conversation. Dyloan had just returned to his hiding spot when I heard Ray.

"Code red! Code red! I've been discovered!" he screamed.

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