Chapter 2: Preparation

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"Jack, do you realize what this means?!" asked my grandfather, Gregory.

"What?" I replied.

"You're the Grand Keeper! It's obvious, you come from Trekor, the first world, you're going to travel through all seven worlds anyway, and we'll have to use all the medallions to cross through to all the worlds. You'll just keep them afterward."

"Me?! A keeper?! The Grand Keeper?!"

"Yes! It's not that hard, I'm a keeper."

"Yeah, but, you have to keep only one medallion. That's way easier!"

"It's the same thing, you live a normal life and keep the medallion or medallions safe."

"I guess. But I'll need you to help me."

"I was planning on helping you anyway."

"OK, I guess I could be the Grand Keeper."

"Good. Now let's find some transport to mount Nogru."

"Shouldn't we gather equipment for our journey through the seven worlds?"

"Right, Urgon is the most technologically advanced world so it makes sense to get equipment here."

"Wait, not all of the worlds are futuristic?"

"No, not all of them. For example, Olgor, the next world, is a jungle planet."

"A jungle? Like, with lots of animals?"

"Yes, animals. Although I've heard they're different than the ones in the Amazon for example. But that's not the point. I know a great place for us to get equipment."

Grandpa led me to a shop called Whozits and Whatzits Galore. I smiled at the reference. He explained that Borb, the owner, was a fan of Trekor movies, hence the shop name.

"Hi, Borb! My grandson and I are going to cross the seven worlds to get back home and we were wondering if you had any useful gear for adventuring," grandpa told the shopkeeper.

"Actually a have a whole adventure section. Come check it out!"

We followed Borb to his adventure section. It was filled with weapons and useful gear.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing to a weird kind of glowing blue rope with some kind of electronic black and red end and buttons on the handle.

"What's this?" I asked, pointing to a weird kind of glowing blue rope with some kind of electronic black and red end and buttons on the handle

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"That's a getaway rope. If you throw it somewhere it will automatically grab on and pull you towards the destination," answered Borb.

"We'll take two," said grandpa.

"Anything else?" Borb asked.

"Two stealth belts."

"What are stealth belts?" I asked.

"They're a special kind of belt that can conceal you from most enemies at the push of a button. Although, if you get too close, they usually spot you," grandpa explained to me.

"Cool. Well, except for being discovered."

"Is that all?" prompted Borb.

"Hmmm... two StunGuns. But nothing dangerous."

"Coming right up."

We bought all this equipment and returned to the hotel.

Back at the hotel, we devised a plan to get the Olgor medallion

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Back at the hotel, we devised a plan to get the Olgor medallion.

"Do you think Samulon will give his medallion willingly?" I asked.

"I doubt it," answered grandpa. "But we still have to go to mount Nogru and try to get it," he continued.

"You talked about transportation before."

"Right. I suggest we take a HoverTrain"

"A HoverTrain? Like a floating train?"

"Indeed. There's a HoverTrain station close by."

"What do we do when we arrive at mount Nogru?"

"We use our stealth belts to sneak past his guards. And when we're in we'll ask Samulon for the medallion. If he doesn't give it willingly you grab it and take my hand. As you are the Grand Keeper it will link to you once you use it."

"Wait, so your medallion is linked to me?"

"Probably. It should appear in your hand. Or maybe your pockets. Check all of them!"

Sure enough, when I checked my pockets I found grandpa's medallion.

"As we aren't in Trekor it won't activate. The medallions only go from one world to another."

"So I can touch it all I want and it won't start glowing or make me disappear?"

"Yes. You should probably wear it to symbolize that you've already collected one medallion."

I slipped the medallion on. It hung slightly too low at the start but it magically adjusted.

"We should go, the next HoverTrain departs soon."

We then walked to the HoverTrain station and waited. When the HoverTrain arrived, we waited in line to get on. There was some sort of cyborg taking the tickets. The inside was amazing, the chairs looked really comfy, each seat had its own TV, there was a holographic screen to order food and drinks and you could change the view in your window (I opted for a tropical jungle, kind of like what I imagined Olgor would look like).

"We will be departing in five minutes," said a robotic voice.

Urgon (The Seven Worlds: Book 1) [Unfinished First Draft]Where stories live. Discover now