Chapter 22: The Choice

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It was the day of Violetis's deadline and I was sitting in my cell, alone. Since the walls no longer blocked transmissions, I talked to grandpa and Ray about the offer. Giving up the quest or prison. Before answering, they had a few questions.

"How will she make sure you give up?" Ray asked.

"I honestly have no idea. Maybe they have some sort of device that makes sure I can't get the Olgor medallion," I answered.

"Like a bracelet that wouldn't let you approach it?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"I think that exists. Stay-away bracelets. If she has one, she'll force you to wear it before releasing you. So, I think you should stay in prison."

"Okay. Grandpa?"

"I agree that she probably has a stay-away bracelet or something similar. But, if you accept, will she release us all, and will we all have stay-away bracelets?"

"I'm not sure if she would release you and if she would, she would probably make sure you don't continue without me."

"Well, in that case, you should refuse."

"I will. I think she should be here soon. While I talk to her, try to think of an escape plan."

I switched off my earpiece. While they were thinking of a plan, I waited for Violetis in silence. I was just about to connect my earpiece again, thinking that Violetis would be here later when she arrived.

"Jack, have you thought about my offer?" she said.

"Yes, I have," I responded.

"Well? What have you decided? Oh, and if you choose prison, the security will increase. Sorry, I left that part out."

"That doesn't influence my decision."

"Which is what exactly?"

"I'm not giving up. You can keep me here, increase the security, whatever you want, but I won't give up."

"What a shame. Well, goodbye."

"Wait!" I shouted. "One more thing."


"Would your boss be happy if he found out about this?"

I could see her getting nervous. "I- I don't know what you mean."

"I'm sure you do. You went behind his back to try and get the glory of convincing me to give up."

"How did you find out?"

"I have my ways," I responded mysteriously. Then I continued, "But I'm sure if I tell a guard what you did, he'll be happy to pass it on to Samulon."

"I don't care if he finds out. I didn't disobey a direct order."

"Didn't you?" I wasn't sure she had, but if she did, this was the best way to find out. "Korlioth wants the medallions, doesn't he? And he needs me to bring them to him."

"Preposterous! Korlioth wants to keep you imprisoned!"

"Are you sure? It makes sense. He wants the medallions. And apart from traveling through the worlds to get them, I'm his only option."

"You are not! I could take your medallion, and Samulon's, and embark on this quest myself!"

"You could. Except that the Urgon medallion is linked to me. It would just return to me in the middle of your quest. And I don't think you want to be missing a medallion."

"Don't try to fool me into helping you!"

After that, she stormed off. I guess I really got in her head. But all that got me thinking, what if I was right? It was just a random hunch that I used to try to get Violetis to help me, but it made sense. Although, if it was true, why would Korlioth want all the medallions? Maybe The Essence really was super powerful? I guess I would have to find out.

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