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It was evening in Delhi and the town was slowly coming to rest. People were on the way home to their families. Two persons enter one flat somewhere in rich part of the town. They have one hard day behind them working very hard.

The Apartment was drenched in darkness. Every evening went off in the same sequence.

Both walked to the bedroom and take their clothes off till they stood naked in front of each other. She blushed as usual, feeling his intensive gaze on her. She couldn't hold back herself from one small look to him under her lashes and admire his body too. As always he took her hand and pulled her to the bathroom. They enter the shower together and stood unmovingly there for some seconds enjoying the hot water on their body's. She looked away feeling him behind her. The air was full of tension.


He took some shower gel in his palm and starts to rub her body with it. He didn't let one place out, massaging her skin possessively. After he was done, it was her turn to do the same. She put some gel on her palm too and walked in front of him. The shower was big enough for ten people but they moved as they couldn't abstain from touching each other. She always starts with his hands and then go up to his arms. His chest and then his back. His eyes were always closed when she touched him under the shower. Not once did he opened them to look at her. She could feel how his muscles were getting more relaxed and felt the same way with him too.

They didn't kiss, because if they started, they would not be able to stop and that was absolutely clear for them. When he thought how he behaved three months ago to her, he would never thought to spend every evening in this way, feeling her, touching her. He was demanding, imperious, relentless, but he learn with the time that he couldn't stay this way.

In the beginning he was always the one who tried to touch her and show her that he wanted her. After he saw blank terror in her eyes, he realized that he couldn't bear to see the reaction ever anymore. So he hold himself back and tried to not scare her anymore.


After they end their shower, both dry each other thoroughly with the towel. In this moment there was nothing sexual in their actions, but both were aware of the desire for each other. Trying hard to ignore the tension in the air, they got dressed in some casual clothes and walked to kitchen to eat something.

In the weekdays there is someone who prepared food for them and cleaned their house, because they always come home very late from work and he doesn't want her to have to do house chores. The Weekends are his favorite because here, they got to spend some time together and she prepares food for them. This gives him the feeling of being one ordinary family, which they never were.

Both ate silent. No conversation, no laughing, joking, or having fun. Just silence and sound of the spoons was present in the air. And as usual he walked to the couch and began to search for some bollywood movie or soap opera, while she cleaned the kitchen. He would love to help her, but he knows that she doesn't like him around her.

After he found some acceptable movie, he leaned back and waited for her to come to him. Their evenings passed always like this one.


She joined him and sat right beside him on the big couch. This was her place. Her territory. She decided what happened or not and he waited for her to make her move. He was there to fulfill all her wishes and give her whatever she wanted.

So they sat there and watched some Hindi love movie, without touching from his side. He knew that she loved movies so he watched them for her and as usual she came closer and closer to him, till her head lie on his shoulder and her hand on his belly.

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