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A blur
Chapter 8: Trouble
•Maddie's Pov•
i rub my eyes as i slowly wake up with two strong arms around my torso. i smile as i look at asher and he kisses my forehead.
i hear a fake cough and turn to my left, it's my mother.
"Madison, i'm very disappointed in you. especially with Taylor in the house!" my mom yells at me, i start crying.
omg, she thinks we had–that we did it.
"m-mom, please listen" my voice breaks as i cry.
my mom sighs of disappointment and shakes her head.
"Madison, i don't want to hear it. now hurry up and get dressed before Taylor comes downstairs.
"mrs greene! it wasn't maddie's—..." i put my hand over his mouth.
"save it" i whispered.
"she won't believe you, if she doesn't believe her own daughter"
asher sat there in silence, multiple tears falling down his face. i've never seen him cry and it breaks my heart.
i catch his tears with my finger
"oh, ash. please don't cry, i am so so so sorry. i understand if you don't want to be with me anymore"
he quickly turns his head and stares into my eyes
"don't you ever be sorry, it's my fault, i should've just kept my shirt on. she's making such a big deal about it, you're growing up, she needs to realise you're sixteen, not six. i promise i'll fix this"
he kissed my forehead and left.
thanks a lot mother.
i groan and run up to my room, quickly changing.
i put on a black denim shorts, with a cropped singlet.
i brush my hair and put it in French braids.
i brush my teeth, grab my bag and go.
"bye taylor!" i shout, walking out the door as i glare at my mother.
i don't know which path is the quickest, but at this point i don't care.
i pull out my phone and pop both of my earbuds in as i walk to school.
i arrive at school and don't see asher anywhere, i'm worried and decide to check the locker room.
"asher, are you in here?" i call out but no reply.
i sigh and head to my locker.
i hear whispers and receive looks but i ignore them like i always do.
i open my locker and hear footsteps approaching me.
i turn around in hopes of it being asher.
i spin around as confused as ever.
why would they be walking up to me? probably to tease me about my glasses again.
i raised an eyebrow with a curious look.
"what do you want, mackenzie?"
"jeez greene, chill. look we just wanna talk"
i sighed "fine, talk"
"we–mainly i have been really rude and it wasn't right. on behalf of all of us i'd like to say sorry. you're really pretty and we shouldn't have said all those mean things. so if you'd like to give us a second chance i'd really love to be your friend" she smiled at me.
was this a trick? i really don't know.
but i could become popular, let's just become friends anyway. i really don't like holding grudges.
"sure, let's be friends" i said, with a small smile.
"i love your outfit. by the way, i'm laura, laura oslo. you've probably met my annoying cousin max grazer" she smiled softly.
"wow i can't believe you're related, he seems a bit mean" i giggle softly.
"yeah he can be like that sometimes, but once you get to know him he isn't a jerk"
i laughed and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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