We pulled up the the garage and opened it up. We blasted Keep Her On The Low by Mindless Behavior and started dancing. After about our 4th time doing the dance, we heard a honk. We looked up and seen a black car, with tinted windows. I actually got kind of scared. Wouldn't you get scared if a black car with tinted windows started honking at you?

The window started to roll down. And I couldn't believe who we saw. Thee Walter Milsap!

"You guys Mindless Behavior fans?" He asked us.

I nodded my head slowly, with my mouth hanging open. I was speechless.

"Let me see that dance from the beginning," he replied. "You guys made it up?" He asked.

"She did," Ari said pointing at me. "She makes up dances. I make up songs,"

He nodded.

I walked to the stereo and started the music from the beginning.

Chresanto August...

"Feels good to be home," I mumbled to myself as we rolled through the streets of South Central.

"Aye you hear that?" Ray said.

"Hear what?"

"Shhhhh," he said putting his finer over his mouth. Then I heard our song Keep Her On The Low. It was blastin too! I mean loud.

"Aye Walt! Follow that music!" Prince yelled.

We followed the music until we came upon a garage. We seen two girls dancing.

"Aye they killin it," I yelled. Walter honked at them and they stopped. They looked at the car, and had a scared expression. "Walt, your scaring them. Shoo I would be scared if a black car with tinted windows started honking at me,"

"Y'all keep your windows up, I don't want them going crazy trying to kill us or something," Walt said. We started chuckling. Walt rolled his window down and started talking to them.

"You guys Mindless Behavior fans?" Walt asked them. They nodded their heads slowly.

"Let me see that dance from the beginning, Y'all made that up?" Walter continued.

"She did," one girl pointed to the other. "She makes up dances, I make up songs,"

They must be a group or something.

Walt nodded his head and one of the girls walked to the stereo and started playing the music. Soon they started dancing. The dance looks even better from the beginning and all the way through. They killed it forreal. Their dance is kinda better then our dance in the video. But the one that made up the dance really caugh my eye. She is really beautiful, and she seems kinda shy.

When they finished Walter clapped.

"Hmm, what would yall do if Mindless Behavior was with me?"

"Probably scream," the beautiful one said.

"Y'all wouldn't try to kill somebody, would you?" Walt asked.

"Nah, we are pretty chill," the other one said.

"Ask them what their names are," Ray whispered.

"What's your names?" Walt asked.

"Kendall," the one I liked said.

"And Ariana," said the other one.

"Great," Walt replied.

I was getting impatient. "Can we meet them now?"

"Which one is your favorite?" Walt asked them, ignoring me.

"I see you looking at Kendall," Prince nudged me.

"Ray Ray," Ariana said.

"Roc Royal," Kendall said. "He is so fine! I could talk about him all day! But I think I should stop now before I get into too much detail,"

I chuckled. The feeling is mutual.

"Alright, yall can meet them now," Walt whispered.

Prince opened the door, and hopped out the car. Ray and I followed him. As they said they would, they started screaming, and jumping up and down. They hugged each other and screamed some more.

"So y'all seen us dancing?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah, yall are good," Ray replied.

"And you heard everything we just said?" Kendall asked, scratching the back of her head. She must be referring to what she said about me.

"Everything," I said.

"Oh," she replied. I chuckled. "Can I.... Have a.. Hug?" She asked holding her arms out. I walked into her arms and hugged her.

"Your pretty fine yourself," I whispered in her ear. She giggled.

Somebody cleared their throat, I turned and seen Ariana with her hands crossed over her chest.

"I'm a fan of MB too, do I get a hug?" She asked with attitude. I already know she is the outgoing one. I looked at Kendall and realized we were still in a hugging position. I let go of her and hugged Ariana. I looked and seen Kendall hugging Ray and Prince, it wasn't as long as mine though. Not as special.

"Yall are pretty chill," Prince said. "Wanna hang out or something?"

"Yeah, y'all can come to our house,"

Ariana suggested.

We looked at Walt in approval and he shrugged.

"Wait, this isn't your house?" I asked.

"No this is my moms house," Ariana replied.

"How old are yall?" Ray asked.

"17," they replied in unison.

"And yall moved out already," Prince said.

"Yup, we are trying to show our parents that we are not babies anymore, and that we can make it in life by ourselves," Kendall explained.

"Which isn't going so well," Ariana added. "At least we have a job,"

"A lame job though," Kendall continued. "With that bitch Carina,"

Ariana rolled her eyes. "Anyways, we should go now,"

"Yeah, our apartment is not a lot, so don't expect anything all big," Kendall said.

They walked to Walt. "It was nice meeting you Walt," Kendall said.

"But I think we got it from here," Ariana added, pushing Walt back into the car.

"Okay, okay," he chuckled. "Here take my number, I wanna see what else yall got?"

"Forreal," they squealed. Then they started jumping up and down and screaming like how they were when they first seen us. They hugged him and pushed him in the car.

They walked back over to us.

"Shall we," Kendall said holding her hand out to meet. I grabbed her hand and she was about to walk away. Ariana grabbed Ray's hand and they started walking towards the car. Kendall seen Prince was walking by himself. She held her hand him and he shrugged and grabbed it. We walked to the car. Ariana got in the driver seat, Kendall got in the passenger seat, and we climbed in the back.

"To the crib!" Ariana yelled.

~Kendall in mm~

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