Spirit Guide ~Simple~

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This isn't really a spell, this is a compilation of spirit types.

You will need the following items for this spell: 

-Notebook (Optional)

I've encountered many spirits, I decided to categorize them accordingly.

Native- These are the spirits that lie in the country only. Normally they are from folklore if you thought they didn't exist think again.

Elemental- These are my favorite, they appear in places with a high concentration of their elements, such as earth spirits are normally found in a forest.

Sprites- We used to think of them as fairies and such, but as my group further researched them, they are children spirits, the innocents who were killed or met unexpected ends they aren't violent.

Poltergeist- Obviously everyone knows what they are, but for the sake of others these are the violent spirits, they happen to move objects around.

Wanderers- These are the lost spirits, they search for things, they only move on when they are forced or given what they search for.

Trapped- These are spirits that are bound to a place by a stronger entity, these are oppressed, they are used as an energy source.

Guardians- These are the spirits that are born with people, they tend to be protective with the person they are assigned to.

Demonic- Most dangerous of all the spirits, these can kill you, they are the ones that should only be dealt with by advanced people.


Natives- They aren't violent but if you disrupt their territory you are in deep trouble.

Elemental- They are peaceful at most of the times but when you anger them, they are the strongest of all spirits, almost impossible to seal.

Sprites- Though they cannot harm you if you cannot help them please leave them alone, they are fragile.

Poltergeist- You already know, they can move stuff and hit you, they are not to be dealt with by beginners.

Wanderers- Don't deal with them, not all wanderers are friendly.

Trapped- One word, Run. When you see these it means that there is an extremely evil spirit nearby they are just food for this spirit.

Guardians- If your evil is afraid, if not nothing to worry about.

Demonic- Never go in alone. They will kill you if they get a chance, trust me.

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