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I'm walking down the busy street, bursting with excitement. Today is my first day as an intern at Stark Tower. Tony Stark is one of the smartest people alive, I cannot wait to meet him and actually work for him.

A cold autumn breeze makes the people around me shiver as I step into the enormous building. There's no one in the lobby so I take out my phone and text the person I've been in contact with.

I send a text saying: "Hello Miss Potts, I just got to the building and there's no one in the lobby. Is there somewhere I need to go?"

And I receive a reply in mere seconds: "Yes, you can take the elevator up to the top level."

I make my way to the elevator and hit the top level button. It's such a quick ride that I don't even have time to prepare what I'm going g to say. I'm going to meet Iron Man! I try to keep calm, knowing it would be unprofessional to freak out at meeting my new boss. The elevator dings as the doors open and I step out into the room.

All the Avengers are here.

My anxiety kicks in and my hands wobble a little. I didn't think there'd be so many people here. Well, there's only seven people in the room but still, I thought I'd be meeting Mr. Stark and Miss Potts, not an entire squad of superheroes.

No one notices me at first so I try to get Miss Potts attention. She finally sees me and walks over.

"Hi! You must be Zoya!" She reaches out to shake my hand. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too." I shake her hand and she smiles.

"Here, I'll introduce you to Tony." I follow her over to where he's tinkering with his suit. His actual Iron Man suit. He doesn't look up as we approach until Pepper touches his shoulder. "Tony, there's some–"

"Pepper! Just the person I wanted to see! How about we grab some lunch later, we could go to them at place– who's this?" He stops mid-sentence to acknowledge me.

"Hi, Mr. Stark. I'm Zoya Malik, your intern." I introduce myself with a smile.

"Intern? I didn't hire an intern." He furrows his brow. My smile falters just as Pepper steps in.

"I did." She inform him.

"You did?"

"Yes, I thought you could use some help. She's got a great resumé, top of her classes, won first place in the national–" She starts listing some of my achievements I listed on my application but Tony interrupts her.

"That's great. Sure, I could use an extra set of hands." He smiles.

"Good luck!" She tells me and walks off.

"Okay, here's the thing, I don't actually need help with anything but I didn't want to argue with Miss Potts, so you can just make yourself useful to," He motions around the room at the other Avengers, "anyone who needs something. I'll make sure you get whatever college credits your doing this for"

"Yes, sir. Thank you." I try to sound cheery.

"Everyone this is," He turns to me quickly, "what's your name again?"


"This is Zoya, she's interning here, so if you need anything she can get it for you." He tells them then he gets back to whatever he was doing. I face to the rest of the room and sigh quietly. Here I thought I would be able to learn from this super intelligent genius, and I get stuck doing people's errands, or whatever they'll need. But I still need to do my best at making this work, so I smile at all of them and wave a little.

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