"He'll get over it. I swear he gets fatter every day."

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I wake up at normal time and stare at my hideous uniform that I had hung up in my room so it wouldn't crease over night. I wish I was with my Pa. But of course my shitty mother wants me for herself I took a couple of minutes to ask my dad if I could come visit him this weekend at his house. I knew he moved house but he still lived in Bedford.

Si vengo a visitarte este fin de semana, ¿podrías recogerme de la estación?
(if i come visit you this weekend, could you pick me up from the station)

             Claro cariño (of course darling)

Once I knew that my dad was okay with me coming down to Bedford one the weekend it gave me something other than meeting up with George to look forward for. I decided to make an effort to go to school to look nice for myself. Considering it was June it was fairly chilly this morning so it gave me an excuse to wear George's hoodie. I was nervous for school since Isla never actually called me back so I knew for sure I've done something wrong.

I make my way you school after tidying the house a little because I would probably be told off if I didn't. My short corgi legs walked quickly to the school so I would have at least 10 minuets I spear when I get there. I see this girl in my economics sitting in the home room so I make my way over to her. "Hi Nikola." I say as I near her.

"Oh hey Luna are you alright." She ask me as she looks up from her phone

"Yeah I'm alright. Can I sit?" I ask her

"Of course." She says as she pats the space next to her. She and her boyfriend had been together for years so maybe she could help me with what to wear tonight.

"So... I'm think I'm going on a date tonight and I don't know what to wear. He said "dress nice" so I thought maybe you could help me?" I ask

"I would love to. But what do you mean you think?" She ask

"We he asked if I wanted to go out he didn't say on a date so I don't really know." I tell her

"You're adorable. Of course he means a date because he ask you if you wanted to go out not hang out." She says. I get a bit flustered since I know it's a date and it makes me happy. "Is it your first date?" She asks me

"Yeah." I tell her excitedly

"What does he look like, name, age?" She asks equally as excited

"His name is George. He is 20. And here's a picture." I say pulling out his phone and showing her his Instagram.

"Oh damn! He's famous. You're getting a man Luna." She says impressed "Not to mention he's drop dead gorgeous." She tells me.

I didn't really see Isla all morning and I was sitting in economics with Nikola and my other friend Taylor. "Ugh this is so boring I might die." I groan as I look at the study case in front of me

"My brain is dead." Taylor says while pulling out a bar of Oreo chocolate and placing it in the centre if the desk. "Here girls eat some. I stole it from my brother." She tells us.

"He's going to be so upset." Nikola says.

"He'll get over it. I swear he gets fatter every day." Taylor says. Her younger brother is only 3 years older but if you look at him you could mistake him for a ball. If I'm being nice.

It was now lunch time and I could see Isla lurking around the canteen. So I walk over to her "Hi stranger." I say happily

"Hi" She says dryly. I give her a questioning look.

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