"Because they normally are?" I shouted back. I couldn't believe we were even having this conversation. Regardless of who she was, we should be suspicious because she showed up here, as a Fallen, and had a prior relationship with Grey. There were so many reasons why we shouldn't trust her, but Grey couldn't see past it.

"Are you just jealous or something? Is that what this?" Grey rolled his eyes and frowned.

"What?! No! I have no reason to be- you left her! You couldn't commit to her! I have no reason to be jealous. I'm irritated because she flirted with you and you let it happen, made a date with her to 'catch up', and refuse to see past your history with her!" I spat.

"You're overreacting. This isn't a big deal," Grey mumbled, narrowing his eyes at me.

"I'm not! I'm trying to stay alive. I thought that was your main priority too- until Siobhan came into the picture I guess," I rolled my eyes.

"Greene. It is my main priority. But I know Siobhan. She wouldn't do something like that," Grey shook his head defiantly.

"Do you? Do you know her? It's been 300 years, Grey. People change. God knows you have," I shot back. Grey clenched his jaw slightly and let out a sigh, unfolding his arms and taking a step forwards. I raised an eyebrow and took a slight step back.

"I'm sorry. I'm just asking you to trust me with her. She is just a friend. And she wouldn't side with Lucifer. Can you do that? Trust me?" He pleaded, his voice soft now. God, I hated this man. I was about ready to fly back to America one second and the next, a putty in his hands.

"I do trust you. I don't trust her. She made it clear to me-"

"Do you think maybe you're just looking a little too into things? Looking for a reason to hate her?" He asked softly, reaching out and gently taking my hands.

"No, I- I swear she- every time she said something sort of maybe flirty she smirked at me to show me she could get away with it," I explained defiantly.

"Okay. I will talk to her about it when I go over. You're welcome to come," he murmured softly, rubbing his thumbs across the back of my hand. I sucked in a deep breath and shook my head. I needed to trust him. I did trust him. Grey loved me. He's proven that. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I knew that. I just didn't trust her. But I trusted Grey to handle it if she overstepped her boundaries.

"No. I trust you," I replied, biting my bottom lip in thought. Grey let out a sigh of relief and reached up under my jaw, tilting up my chin so I was looking up at him. He leaned down, gently pressing his lips against mine.

"You don't have anything to worry about. I love you. And only you," he hummed against my lips, his fingers trailing across my jaw.

"I know," I smiled against his lips and gripped the fabric of his bodysuit, tugging him closer.

"I think I have a good idea about how we could spend the rest of the evening," Grey smirked, gently tugging on my bottom lip with his teeth.

"Buy me some wine and we'll see," I chuckled, pulling away and looking up at his darkened eyes. He let out a frustrated growl, but took my hand and led me down the alleyway.

"Were you happy to see her?" I asked softly, not really sure if I wanted to know the answer.

He shrugged. "More surprised. What Siobhan and I had 300 years ago is long gone, but she and I did spend a good amount of time together back then. We had fun. We knew each other pretty well. I think I was happy to see her. But also worried about you and what you were thinking," he explained, turning us down another street towards some shops.

"I like that you were worried about what I was thinking," I admitted, squeezing his hand a little. He glanced back at me over his shoulder, smirking.

"I always worry about you," he replied softly, opening the door to a winery for me. I walked in, admiring the many shelves full of exotic wines. Half of them were probably worth more than my soul at this point.

"Bonsoir, madamoiselle. Vous voulez du vin?" An older woman approached me from behind a wooden counter.

"Ah, désolée, madame. Ma copine ne parle pas français," Grey began. I turned and raised an eyebrow at him, then turned back to the woman.

"Ignore le. Je préfére les rouges secs, peut-être un Malbec?" I smiled back at the woman, who grinned widely at me.

"Ah, oui. Par ici," she beckoned for me to follow, leaving Grey relatively stunned it seemed. I glanced back at him, his mouth slightly ajar. He then shook out of whatever minor incident he was having and followed us.

"Ici," the woman motioned with her hand to a wall of red wines. I looked for a regional one, and grabbed the bottle, holding it up.

"Combien?" I asked the woman.

"30 euros, s'il vous plaît," she replied, beckoning us over to the counter. Grey pulled the change out of his pocket and handed it to her.

"Merci beaucoup!" I called back to her as we left the store. I started walking down the sidewalk when I felt a hand grip my arm and spin me back around.

"You're fluent in French?" Grey raised an eyebrow, the corners of his lips curling upwards slightly.

"Yep," I shrugged, turning slightly back around, but he turned me back to face him. "You know, I'm getting real tired of being manhandled."

"No you're not," he hummed lowly, his thumb rubbing back and forth across my arm. He was right, unfortunately. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You didn't ask," I shrugged. "I'm also fluent in Gaelic and can read archaic Latin. And I can speak a little German and Italian."

"I have a habit of underestimating you," he breathed, lowering his head until his lips were a few centimeters from mine.

"Yes, you do."

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