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"We're so glad you're safe! We thought the monkeys got you." said Snow worriedly as she pulled me into another hug
I pulled away and took her hands "We're fine, like I already told you."
She nodded slightly
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing. Your brother's here, I think he's at the stables."
I smiled "Really? I have to see him!"
Snow waved me goodbye as I ran out the castle and into the royal stables.
"Neal?!" I called out
A man turned around with a boy in his arms. I did not know him, but he gave me a friendly smile.
"Excuse me, have you seen my brother?" I asked panting from the run
"If I were you I wouldn't be asking rift raft for help." I heard a voice behind me.
I turned to Regina and quickly pulled her into a tight hug. At first she stood shocked, but slowly she returned the hug.
"Oh god Regina I'm so glad to see you!"
"I know I'm amazing, but are you feeling alright? I don't recall you being specially loving towards me."
I pulled away giving her a wiry smile.
"It's just been so long."
"Long? Its only been a few weeks"
"I've been...gone..."
"How so?"
"I'll tell you later, I promise. But for now, have you seen my brother?"
"I just passed him, he was getting some food for his horse. He'll be back in a while, just wait for him here."
I sat down on the floor chris cross applesauce style.
"The floor is dirty, you should sit somewhere else Aldara." scolded Regina
"I forgot how motherly you can get Regina." I sighed as I stood up and searched for a better spot to sit.
"And I forgot how childish you can be."
I smiled to myself before turning to the man with the small boy "Hi, I'm sorry I hadn't said hello before I was looking for my brother and then got distracted. I didn't mean to be rude, my name is Aldara." 
"It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, my name is Robin Hood. And no worries, I could tell you were occupied. This is my son Roland."
"You're Robin Hood? Like the Robin Hood?" I asked excitedly
He chuckled lightly "Last time I checked, yes."
"And last time I checked, you are a thief." said Regina walking over next to me and sitting on a barrel.
Robin frowned as I sat on a wooden box.
"Regina, that's the point. Robin Hood, stealing from the rich to give to the poor!"
Robin smiled "Ah, so you have heard of me."
"Of course she's heard of you, it's hard to miss all the old 'wanted' posters from before." said Regina rolling her eyes
I giggled "Actually, I read a bit about you in the other world. Although I mostly remember the movie where you were a fox."
"A fox?" he asked confusedly
"I remember that!" laughed Regina "That silly Disney movie full of crazy animals!"
"Yeah, you Robin, were a fox and little John was a bear and the fryer was a badger-I think."
"Well that's lovely" said Robin sarcastically 
"Thank you for the monkey, Regina." said Roland randomly
I turned to him and realized he was holding on to a monkey plushie.
"You are very welcome." said Regina smiling
Something twinkled in her eyes. Regina was born to be a mother-she loved it.
A  sudden thought came to mind. The way Robin was looking at Regina...and the way she was smiling at Roland...were Regina and Robin together?
Regina grabbed my arm slightly pulling me back. I turned to her about to command she release my hand immediately so I could beat the shit out of Zelena. But her stern gaze said it all. I would be a fool if I tried to take on Zelena on my own, specially surrounded by so many civilians.
I watched Zelena's mouth but I didn't listen. All I caught was her calling Regina a sister. I was willed with white hot fury. Images of snapping her neck and various other form of her painful death flashed through my mind. I clutched me hands as she smirked. I could hear the pounding of my heart. I watched closely as she stepped out. As soon as I felt my arm released I ran to the door breathing the fresh air rapidly, searching around me.
"Fuck!" I yelled throwing my arms into the air, mindlessly throwing fireballs into the air, "Fucking fucking fuck fuck shit!!!!!"
Auxi ran out, but stopped when he saw me. Silently stepping next to me.
"Oh that one went up pretty high" he said pointing at where the previous fireball had been. 
I looked away and sighed "I'm sorry."
"For what?"
"I-I over reacted"
"Well not really. I mean she did kill your brother and kinda ha your dad held captive. I think...under the reacted like anyone else would have."
I turned to him "Yeah? Not too crazy?"
"Nah. Plus, crazy looks cute on you" he said before winking
I laughed lightly before taking his hand "Come on we better see what every one else is up too."
I was about to ask Regina if she was in a type of relationship with Robin, when I heard my brother mumbling about not knowing where the brush for his horse was. 
I stood up, wildly smiling at him.
His mouth jaw dropped (as well as his things) "K-kid?"
I laughed lightly "Old man?"
He smiled "Aldara?"
"Who else?" I chuckled as I quickly ran over to him and  pulled him into a hug.
"Where were you? I was worried that something had happened, with everything going on with the witch I thought..."
"No, um...I had a little...trip."
"A trip?"
I bit my lip "I went into Limbo and brought my um...friend back."

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