Numb (Part2)

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I heard my name being called but I slammed the door and dashed out to the Charmings house. I guess Laceys kissing was better then going after me, cause my dad didnt come after me.

I pulled down on my skirt. I hate wearing skirts, even if I have tights. My look was in honor of Winnie the Pooh. But I was regretting it. If I wanted to help out in finding Regina, I might have to run. (This is my 

As soon as I got to their house I saw Snow and Charming walking out.

I ran up tp them "Hey guys! Is everything ok? Did you find Regina?"

"We think we know where she is. We are on our way now.", answered Charming as he took out the keys to his car.

"Can I come? Please?" I pleaded "I can help! Im useful!"

Snow looked at me for a momment until she agreed "Ok. Ill explain everything on the way."

My head was racing. Snow had told me everything, even that Emma thought it was Tamara behind all of this. I seemed to be the only one who agreed with Emma...I didnt trust Tamara...

Finally the car came to a halt and we climed out in search of Regina. Because once again the adults thought it wasnt safe for me I was to walk behind them. Stupid. Anyways I was the last in the room where Regina was being held against her will. When I saw her I felt really bad for her. I cant imagine the pain they had caused, for her to look the way she did. Snow wanted to stay with Regina and take her somewhere safe, before they could tell me to go with them, I dashed and yelled, "You take care of Regina! Ill go help Emma and Neal!"

I mostly did it cause I didnt think there was much danger left, and I really wanted to see my brother. I went the way the guy had gone, but the sound of voices stopped me.


I turned on my heels and ran to Neals voice.

"Neal!" I called as I approached him.

He turned around and smiled. "Hey kid! What are you doing here?"

"I came to help."I answered plainly.

"Do you know whats going on?" aske Emma as we moved on.

"Yep. We actually just found Regina. The guy got away though."

"What guy? Do you know who it was?" asked Emma

"No I wasnt able to see his face."

Then Charmings voice came out from Emmas walkie talkie "You got to block the entrance."

"Already on it."

"Is Aldara with you?"

"Yep shes right here."

"Great. We have Regina. Keep an eye out for Greg Mendell"

"Greg Mendell." repeated Emma as her eyes widened with disbelief.

"So I was right it wasnt Tamara." beamed Neal

"Actually it was." said a voice behind me. I wsa barely abble to turn around when something hard him me in the head and everything went black.

~In my head~

I slowly stood up. My head hurt like hell, my leg fely like jelly, and my eyes felt watery. I held on to my head, wondering if whatever hit me, got blood out. I looked around. I was in a grassy field. It was extremely foggy, I couldnt see a few feet away from my face. Where the hell am I?

"Hello?" I croacked


I turned around put I couldnt see anything.

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