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I stabbed my dagger into  the tree again, making another small hole. Ive been doing this for hours. After leaving Snows and Charmings house I walked into the forest, not knowing where else to go. When the sun came out I decided to go for a change of clothes back at home. I made sure not to make a sound, and I grabbed my backpack. I didnt feel like saying hello to my dad, I didnt think I was ready for it, so I made sure to just leave without him noticing. After changing into this: polyvore.com/run_away/set?id=74670662 I left to the park where my brother and I use to hang out. I thought that maybe it would make me feel better, but I just felt angry, so I sat down under one of the trees and made hole with my dagger.
I sighed. I wasnt sure about anything. I had stopped crying, after a while and I wanted the tears to come so badly, but they wouldnt come. I pulled my dagger from the tree and stabbed it into the dirt a few times. I was so busy killing the dirt that I didnt hear some one walking over to me.
I turned around.
"Hey. Fancy seeing you here."
"Yeah." I didnt want to be mean, but I really didnt feel like talking to him. "Um look, William, I just went through something and I really need to be alone."
William stared at me for a second "What happened?"
I winced, I had been dreading that question all night. "M-my brother h-he died."
Williams eyes widened and he kneeled down next to me. "Aldara Im so sorry."
I looked away and shrugged. "Dont be, its not your fault."
William gently took my hand, "I know its not my fault, but I still feel sorry."
I looked into his eyes and realized he wasnt lying, he really did feel sorry. I bit my lip. I felt uncomfortable.
William smiled at me and pulled me up. "Come on, lets get you cleaned up."
I shook my head "No I-"
"Come on, my house is a block away and theres a coffee shop nearby."
I dropped  my gaze. He knew I loved coffee and I was really tired. I also knew that my ex-boyfriend didnt give up easily.
"fine" I muttered.

I sat waiting for William as he got our drinks and breakfast. I should have stayed in the forest all night and let the wolves eat me. Ugh. There are no wolves in Storybrooke. 
"Here you go." said William as he came back with my black coffee and blue berry muffin. 
"So" William sat down in front of me "you want to talk about it?"
I took at bite from my muffin and swallowed hard. "No not really....Why are you being like this?"
"Like what?"
"So...nice." I looked up into his blue eyes. 
He smiled. "Because you need someone to be here for you and it seems Im the only one up for the job."
I nibbled on my muffin. "That doesnt explain anything."
"Tell me about yourself. I now Jane. Tell me about Aldara."
I didnt feel like telling him about me. I didnt feel like doing anything. But out of nowhere I opened my mouth. "It kinda started with my mom, her name was Milah." I told him about my mom and dad. When I was given away and Auxi took me to Dame Gothel. How I worked for her until she sold me because Auxi loved me. I told William everything, even Auxis death and who my real father was.
When I was done I took a deep breath and a long sip from my coffee. 
William whistled. "Well when I asked you to tell me about you I meant your favorite color or movie...but I guess that works too."
"Red and The Corpes Bride."
"Its a good movie. I like blue myself."
"Why are you being so nice to me?"
"What do you mean? Im always like this."
I laughed "Thats a joke right?"
"Look I know I cheated, and was a jerk, and I was might have treated you badly-"
"even though I was your girlfriend."
William nodded, "Even though you were my girlfriend. But that was the other me, the me that Reginas curse made. I really am sorry for treating you that way. That is why Im here. Because I owe it to you."
I stared into his eyes, looking for a flicker. For a hint of a lie. But there was only truth. He really wanted to help me. For the first time in what seemed ages to me, I smiled.
He smirked and winked, "Plus I didnt cheat all the time, I left a little William for you."
I rolled my eyes. "Oh yes sorry. I guess I should be thankfull that you didnt cheat 24/7."
"Your welcome." He chuckled and I couldnlt help giggle a bit.
After that it was a normal conversation. He told me a few jokes, talked almost everything random you could think of. My stomach hurt so much from laughing I almost cried.
There was a moment where I just looked at him and smiled. He was telling me a story but I zoned out. His blonde hair seemed gold in the sunlight, and there was a twinkle in his eyes whenever he laughed. Was this what Auxi wanted for me? I knew Auxi wanted me to move on and for a moment I could see myself with William...happy...together. No. I will find a way to get Auxi back...no matter what.

"Ok time to take you home." said William getting up and then giving me his hand.
I took his hand and stood up. "Um actually I need to give someone a quick visit."
"I dont know...what about your dad?"
"I know but this is important. I was an asshole to some one and I need to apologize"
"Ok..." he gave me a wiry smile and bowed "where to my lady?"
"To the Charmings my good sir."

I took a deep breath. I shook my fingers. I was so nervous. I needed to apologize, but that really wasnt my thing. I mean use to do it, but that was normally because I didnt mop the floor right. This time it was because I had been a jerk to some of the few people who cared about me. Well here I go. Was it me or did the house just shake? No Im probably going mad.
I knocked. 1. 2. 3. Nothing. I waited a minute and stuck my ear to the door. I could hear voices on the other side, maybe they couldnt hear me. Should I open the door or leave and come back later? Open the door, I wasnt going to back out. Neal wouldnt want that. I turned the door knob and walked inside. 
Regina said something about something being activated and the she saw me and stopped talking. Everyone turned to me. I hate attention.
"Aldara." said snow, she seemed surprised but there was also a hint of sadness in her voice. It was clear she was worried about me, but she was hurt by how I had treated them.
"Hi" I took a step closer to them, wondering how it would be best to beggin, but the words spilled out "Look I know that the last time I was here, I didnt treat you guys with the love and respect that you guys give me. I was just hurt and I didnt know how to react. I know thats not an excuse, but I need you to know that I really am sorry. I didnt mean to insult you...I just didnt want to loose him..."
Snow was the first to react she ran over to me and gave me a tight hug. "Its ok" she said softly "We understand."  
I hugged Snow back "Thank you."
Emma and Charming gave me a quick hug "Dont worry about it kid."
  I hugged them back and then Emma turned back to Regina.
"So what were you saying about the diamond being activated?"
"Yes before we were inturupted" she shot me a quick glance "the diamond was activated."
"So were all going to die..." said Henry
Regina turned to Henry "You were born here...so you live."
"But Ill be alone..."
"Im so sorry Henry."
"Thats not going to happen. Im not going to let it. You made this happen now make it stop." said Emma almost to fast for me to understand.
What were they talking about?
"I cant theres no way." said Regina calmly.
"Well figure it out its your fault!" yelled Emma
"Stop! I already lost my dad I dont want to loose anyone else! We have to work together!" the fact that he mentioned my brother took me by surprise but the worst surprise was the voice I heard next.
"From the mouth of babes, Id say the lad has a point."
I had no time to react. Out of nowhere Charming punched Hook square in the face. From this moment on I swear I fucking look up to Charming. 
"Thats for last time we met."
"Bloody Hell." said Hook
Hahahahaha! I wonder if his nose is broken? No there is no blood...I suddenly had a strong urge to check if he was ok and hug him... what is wrong with me?!
Charmings angry voice brought me back to reality.
"Now tell us why youre here or ill use something else other than my fist." he said bringing out his gun.
"I think threatening to kill me is a bit redundant when were all about to die anyway."
He has a point there. Wait were are all going to die?! When did this happen?
"No thanks to you Regina told us you were working with Tamara and Greg to get your revenge." spat Emma
Well she was angry.
"Well that was before they told me I had to die to get it."
They beggan to make plans on what to do, apperantly Hook and Charming were going to get the beans from Tamara and Greg so we could get the people from the town out. Snow, Emma, Henry, amd I would get everyone together, and Regina would try to slow down the diamond. I didnt pay much attention to what they were saying, as soon as I got the basics I stopped listening. I kept looking at Hook. He was the only one in the room who didnt know who I really was.

I sat on one of the stools at Grannys. I was currently eating my nails. I know its bad but Im nervous...Im going to die. I rallied up some people and then cam here. I kept staring at the door wishing my dad would walk through it. Emma told me she told him about our plans but he said he wouldnt "...take part in your fruitless eforts to escape your death." The truth is Im afriad hes right. I mean what if we fail? We all die thats what.
Charming and Hook walked in.
"We have the bean!" exclaimed Charming.
They talked. About what? Im guessing how we were going to leave and to what world. I really didnt care. My dad wasn here. Would I really leave without him? My eyes met Hook. He was just standing there impatiently waitng to save his own skin.
"The wraith."
"What?" Emma and I said in unison
"we sent it through a portal, why cant we do the same with the self distruct?" explained Snow
I still didnt get what a wraith was...but suddenly her idea made sense.
"Then it would destroy some other place and we would all live!" I beamed
"We dont know if its going to work." Emma shook her head.
"It could!" burst Snow
"Its to risky. No one will go along with it."
"Yes we will." said some guy with glasses "Cause its the right thing to do. Look Snow White and the Prince have always lead us before, and weve always won. So whos ready to let them lead us again?"
He lifted his hand and soon everyone followed.
"Thank you" said Snow "This is what we should do."
"And what will do." added Charming.
"I know we havent had a lot of chances to be parents..but give us this one. Let us do the right thing its not to late." pleaded Snow as Emma hugged Henry.
"I just dont want him to be alone. I dont want him to grow up the way I did." Emma said quietly
I felt a tear run down my cheek. My dad. 
Everything beggan to shake. And I almost fell but someone caught me. 
"Its alright love Ive got you." said Hook as he helped me hold my balance.
"Thanks" I pulled my self away from him. Snow had said something but I had missed it.
Apperantly Snow had convinced Emma that sending the diamond to another world was a better plan. Hook stepped away from me and grabbed the bean. He tolds us we were crazy, but in the end Emma conviced him and he gave her the bean back. He also asked who Henrys father was and Emma said it was Neal. Hooks shocked expression was priceless. He obviously knew who Neal was...I wondered if he knew Neal was my brother? No. He would be acting diferently. Before the Charmings could leave I pulled Dave/Charmings sleeve.
"Hey you guys know Id love to go with you...but I think I should be with my dad. You know just in case it doesnt go well."
Charming smiled kindly "I understand, and I completely agree."
"Thank you."
Charming nodded and left witth the others to find and save Regina and the town. I was about to leave to my fathers shop when I heard my name.
"So Aldara, you found your family after all." said Hook talikng a few steps closer.
"Yes, I found my father."
Hook was now a few inches away. "Im happy for you. May I have the honor of knowing your fathers name?"

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