Hold me

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"Eddy, honey why don't you and Henry go to the living room? You can show him some of your video games?"

"Ok mom, come on Henry!"

Henry gave Emma a strange look before leaving to the living room.

"So, my dad..." I looked up at her. 

She nodded before turning away "We think he's back"

I shook my head "How?"

"That's what we're trying to figure out" said David

Auxi took my hand and gave a squeeze, letting me know he was here to help.

"And we still don't know who this Wicked Witch is?"

Snow shook her head "No idea."

"Truly nothing can kill Rumpelstiltskin" sighed Killian

I smiled at him "Oh yes it can. He died...he just...came back."

"To me that doesn't sound odd. If I could come back-there was most definitely a way to bring The Dark One back" said Auxi

"But that's the thing, we don't know how you came back. Or how my dad came back."

"That must be part of the pesky missing year in your memory. Although I do recall your brother wanting to bring Rumpelstiltskin back." Killian said

"Neal?" asked Emma her eyes twinkling a bit

"He wanted to get back to his family" said Killian slightly frowning

"So he must have been successful..." 


I opened my eyes, and gasped for air. At first my eyes were blinded by a light-then everything seemed foggy.


A small boy stood next to me me. Smiling excitedly. I know him.... Suddenly flashes of him filled my mind. It was my son, Eddy.


"Mom you're back! Are you alright?"

"I-I think so." My mind felt fuzzy and numb

"Mom calm down, it's ok. "

Next to me a man revived, gasping for air as I had.

I grabbed my dagger and pointed it at him "Who are you?"

He blinked, staring at me blankly before slowly answering "It's me, Sebastian."

Memories of Seb filled my head. Dying and coming back must do something temporarily to the memory. I was a bout to put my dagger down when I had a sudden thought. What if Seb didn't make it? What if it was one of those monsters?

"Prove it. What did you give me on my 11th birthday?"

"...I gave you a pair of new shoes-they were brown and fuzzy on the inside."

I lowered my dagger "Sorry, but there were so many monsters..."

"You doubted me?" he winked

"You were badly wounded and there were a lot of them. Plus, you didn't want to come back-remember?"

He sighed "Yeah well, if I didn't cross over-one of those things would have."

I nodded, but didn't feel like saying anything else to him. I am still a bit upset with him. 

I turned to Eddy "Eddy, when I left there was some kind of crashing sound-what was it?"

Eddy shifted  and opened his mouth to answer, but Balyn rushed in.

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