"ALDARA! you're awake!"

He gave me a tight hug, which I gleefully returned. 

"It's nice to see you again, Balyn." I said

He smiled and turned to Auxi, offering his hand "It is also a great pleasure to know you are once again among us, Auxiliator"

Auxi shook Balyn's hand "Thank you."

"Balyn-before I had completely crossed over I heard-"

"Everything is fine Aldara. That sound you heard was a flying monkey-somehow it got inside. I don't think it wanted us here. I was able to wound it, but it flew off before I could kill it. During the fight Gothel fled-we were not sure you would ever awaken."

I stood silent letting the information process.

"Flying monkey..." I repeated

"Aldara, Balyn, if such a monster dared to attack you here then it is not safe. We should move before it comes back, with some help." Auxi said seriously

I nodded "You are right. We should join the Charmings or Regina. Eddy, get your stuff, we're moving."


I ran desperately pushing people aside.

My brother is alive.

They found him.

I need to see him.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I spotted his room. Everyone was already here. My heart pounded and my hands felt sweaty. Auxi's voice broke my thoughts.

"You ok?"

I nodded "Mhm"

I ran over to my brother and pulled him into a hug.

He hugged back.

"Hey kiddo"

"Hey old man"

"I'm no that old"

"You're older than me and I'm like 300"

He chuckled lightly "It's nice to see you're ok kidd"

"It's nice to see you're ok, too. How you holding up?"

"I'm fine."

I nodded understanding he didn't want me to push the subject.

I paced back and forth across the hall. Emma was speaking with my brother as we all waited outside. Auxi had gone to the bathroom, leaving me alone to think. 

"Are you alright, love?"

I nodded without turning to look at Killian.

"Are you sure? You seem-"

"Killian my dad is missing, my brother just appeared out of nowhere at my dad's shop, and there's a crazy witch with a bunch of monster monkeys running around. I'm just nervous ok?"

"I thought by now you'd be use to it."

I smiled "Yeah you'd think huh?" I rubbed my temple "I guess everything changes with Eddy. You know? It's like suddenly everything I do, doesn't only affect me..but also a little boy that depends on me."

Killian sighed "Yes, I understand"

*Time skip*

I hid behind the wall as my brother walked off. I stepped out of my hiding place, quietly walking to Killian. I had stayed in the hospital with the plan of getting my brother out. I agreed with him, he needed to be out with Emma looking for our father. But...it seems...Killian already did that for me.

"Killian" I said now that I was only 2 feet away from him.

"Aldara, I-"

I held my hand up, before rushing up to him and pulling him into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Killian."

At first he seemed shocked, but he wrapped his arms around me. I hid my face in his chest.

"What for, love?"

"I'm so sorry for everything. I lied to you. I hated on you. I thought...I thought that you were a bad man...I was blinded by stupid pain and i didn't see the wonderful man you truly are. Please forgive me Killian."

He pulled away slightly, only to brush away my tears.

"Only if you forgive me first."

"I already did." I said allowing more tears to stream down my cheeks

He didn't say anything. He just pulled me closer and tightened the hug. After a while we pulled apart.

"You better get going if you want to catch up to Baelfire"

I nodded "Thanks"

"You....you better leave." said my father barely above a whisper

I shook my head, desperately fighting back the tears. 

"No, dad...please...I-I can't"

"Go." he turned to Emma, who was helplessly crying onto my brother "Emma, take my daughter and go. If Zelena sees you..." he shook his head they tears building up in his eyes.

My heart dropped. This can't be happening again. Not again. 

I hugged my father "I promise dad, I promise we'll be ok."

Auxi held me tightly as I cried. The tears came freely, and this time I made no attempt in containing them. 

Auxi ran his fingers through my hair quietly asking if I needed something.

I shook my head "N-no. J-j-ust hold me. Please."

Auxi nodded pulling me closer.

"I'm so sorry Aldara. I wish...I wish I could take your pain away."

"She's going to pay Auxi. I swear. She's going to wish she never came out of whatever motherfucking hellhole she came from. When I'm done with her...I'm going to make sure she regrets showing her fucking green face in this town. Bae's death will not ever fucking be forgiven. She's going down."

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