The Slayer on Remnant CH 3

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Blake's Pov(Whenever Blake says we, she means team RWBY.)

As I stepped out of the elevator, I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I looked around and saw that everyone else had also been holding the same breath, except for the giant green man beside them. At least i hope it was a guy, otherwise, some of me and Yang's more illicit fantasies would no longer be possible. Noticing us walk out of the elevator, Prof Ozpin put away his scroll and walked over to us. As Ruby began giving the report, I looked back to see the Doom Slayer leaning against a pillar, looking out the windows and appearing bored beyond belief. When I found myself wishing that he would look at me, I directed all of my attention to Prof Ozpin and tried my best to ignore the green giant. "And just as we were getting ready to fight the horde of Grimm, that thing showed up." Ruby was saying, pointing at the elephant in the room. This earned her a smack upside the head from Weiss. "What?" Ruby asked looking at Weiss. "We don't know what's underneath so its more accurate to say thing." Weiss only pinched her nose and shook her head.

Seeing that she had gotten the last word in, Ruby turned back to Prof Ozpin and continued her story. "Anyways, after he showed up, he let out a really loud bellow. I don't know what exactly fueled the bellow, but I do know what happened afterwards." Prof Ozpin raised an eyebrow and motioned for her to continue. "After the bellow, every single Grimm turned towards him, and charged. It was like they had completely forgotten about us. At around the same time the air changed. It became hot and heavy, if not oppressive. Our lungs felt like they were on fire when we breathed in." It was at this point Yang interjected "Before I passed out from the pain, I remember thinking that it felt like we were in the presence of Rage incarnate." We were all nodding, thinking about Yang's anger issues, and jumped at a voice. That actually wouldn't be that far from the truth. We all saw that somehow, the giant man had managed to sneak up on us. I was flabbergasted the most, as I was a faunas, with superior senses, and even I hadn't sensed him coming. "What?" Yang asked before any of us could. Your assessment that you felt like your were in the presence of Rage incarnate. From what relics the UAC was able to retrieve, and from my interactions with the Doom Slayer, I have gathered that the demons made the Doom Slayer angry, most likely something he found unforgivable. Unfortunately, I have been una- I almost jumped at the sudden change. 'I wonder what Vega was about to say before the 'Doom Slayer' muted him.' In this sudden silence, all of team RWBY looked at Ozpin. "Yes, well." Prof Ozpin said, changing topics. "While I find it very hard to believe that anyone can slaughter a horde of grimm, I must thank you for saving my students." All of a sudden, I could feel an eye roll coming from the so called Doom Slayer as Prof Ozpin said this. I watched him stride forward, ignoring and brushing past each of one of us. Is it bad that I got a little excited when he touched me?

We all got quite as we watched him make his way over to Prof Ozpin's desk. Well, they may have been watching what the Doom Slayer was doing, I was watching his ass. As soon as I found myself doing so, I closed my eyes, took in a steadying breath, and refocused on what was important while reminding myself 'God, I really need to stop reading Ninja's of Love'. I reopened my eyes just in time to see the Doom Slayer reach behind his head and pull out what looked like nothing I had ever seen before. I saw him hold the object up to his face, look at for a brief hesitant moment, then put it into Prof Ozpin's desk. After a few long moments, a symbol suddenly appeared. Hello again ladies and gentlemen. Now I know, some of you may be a bit confused, so allow me to explain. I have asked the Doom Slayer to upload me into the computer here. The reason for this is that, due to your disbelief, The Doom Slayer asked me to show you the recording of the battle. I looked around and saw every one nod, my self included. We had been knocked out, so we wanted to see.

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