The Slayer on Remnant CH 2

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I heard a gasp behind me and spun towards the sound. When I saw 8 children on the ground, clutching weapons, I ran forward to see why they had collapsed. Skidding to a stop next to the nearest one, a female with long black hair. Hearing her gasp for breath, I slid my glove off my hand, and checked her pulse. Finding her pulse was normal Do you know why she collapsed? Scanning now. Scan completed. No sign of any abnormality. She does seem to be breathing easier now though. I looked down and saw that Vega was right. Somehow, I get the feeling that this is my fault. Would mind watching their vital signs? And can you give me a full body scan of each while your at it? Of course sir. I will download the information to the suit once it's ready. Thanks. And with that, I sat down on the ground, and began cleaning and repairing my weapons. By the time, I had gotten to my third weapon, Vega had alerted me that some of them were beginning to awaken. It was at this point that me and Vega had a conversation. In the end, we decided that it would be better for me to stick around.

Suddenly, I heard one of them gasp and sit up. I looked up and saw that it was the blonde next to the girl I had first checked. Looking around, she saw her companions on the floor, and then saw me. Looking back at her companions, the blonde stood up and went straight to one of them, a little girl, with red hair and a red dress. Once the blonde had made sure that the red head was okay, she moved her arms in a weird motion, and began slowly making her way to me. It would appear that she has loaded her gauntlet looking weapons. That makes sense, I guess. "What did you do to my friends? And what happened to that army of Grimm?" the blonde demanded. I do not know what happened to your friends. Are grimm those creatures with white plating and black bodies? Clearly confused, the blonde hesitantly nodded. Well in that case, the Doom Slayer took care of them. "Doom Slayer?" the blonde asked, still hesitant. As an answer, I rapped my chest plate. "Bullshit." Disbelief written all over her face. Instead of answering, Vega showed the blonde some of the video footage of the battle. "That's enough." The blonde was a little green. It was at this point that the others started sitting up. As they all gathered together and begun discussing, I sat still and waited patiently. After about 5 mins of discussion, The entire group came over and thanked me for protecting them. Of course. After this, the group started looking at each other nervously. Finally, the blonde stepped forward and asked "So, some of us were wondering if you would mind joining us?" We would be happy to. I saw the entire group breathe a sigh of relief at Vega's answer. As they continue staring at me, I realize that I'm still sitting and that they are probably waiting for me to stand up. So I obliged and stand up to my full 8 foot height. Their jaws drop, and I see the blonde and a black haired girl start whispering to each other. Vega hears everything, and tells me that they are wondering what I look like underneath the armor. Eventually, an airship arrives to pick up the children. As the children board, I follow suit and am the last to board. 5 minutes later, we still haven't left. After having Vega run a few scans, he tells me that the problem is my weight.

So, after alerting the captain to this, I step off the airship. Turning around, I see a red haired girl jump of with me. "Do you know how to get where we are going?" she asked me. I was just going to follow the damn ship. No but we will simply follow the airship. She scoffs at this "There's no way you can run that fast. So I'm going to give you the instructions. We are heading towards Beacon" After giving us the instructions, which Vega puts on a map, she jumps back onto the ship and waves goodbye. Once the redhead is settled, the ship begins rising. Keeping an eye on the ship so that I can start running once it begins moving, Warning. Tether activating. Please catch the poor girl. WHAT?! Still looking up, the ship gets to about 50 ft above me and then I see somebody fall out of the airship. I easily catch the person, and see that it's the black haired one and that she is currently unconscious. Most likely from the fall. Shall I alert the ship that she is alright? Might as well. After a few moments, I hear Vega voice I have alerted them. The red haired one told me to tell you that as long as you have the directions, you should probably carry her to Beacon. What a BRILLIANT idea. Why didn't I think of it sooner? Sarcasm is not necessary. Anyways, it looks like they are heading off. I look up and see that the airship had started turning, facing the way it needed to go, sluggishly picking up speed. Carrying the black haired girl bridal style, I started moving as well, matching the speed of the airship above us. Within minutes the airship was moving quite fast, around 30 mph, a speed I could quite easily match, and I quickly settled into a nice pace. Conscious of the person in my arms, I had to dodge around trees instead of going through them.

The Slayers Saga (RWBY BlakexDoomSlayer)Where stories live. Discover now