'Ahmaq!' I growled and he smirked. 'Get up you little harami and pray,' he said.

I threw the blanket off of me and blew my hair out of my face only to realize that my hijab had fallen off.

You've been married for a few days and still you sleep in the head scarf.

He stared at me with his eyes slightly widened before he snickered.

'Something funny?'

He cleared his throat before he stepped closer to me and touched my ears. 'You have cute ears,' he said and touched the tips. 'It's big but it's cute.'

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to make perform wudu.

'You make me sooo angry,' I mumbled and shoved past him when I was done. He said nothing as he went inside.

I put my plain black Abaya on and laid down the mats.

By the time he returned I was finished with my sunnah namaz. His hair was slightly wet and his face too as he slipped into his white top.

I stood beside him as we prayed, it felt as if happiness was ignited within me. When we completed our prayer, I picked up our mats and removed my abaya.

'Would you like a cup of coffee?' I asked him and he nodded while texting on his phone.

Who are you texting so early in the morning?

I made the coffee and took our cups upstairs before opening the curtains and even though the sun had not risen yet, I waited patiently. It was something my parents had done after performing the morning prayer, we would wait for the sun rise together. To others it would have been insignificant but to my family it was as if we were reminded that we were blessed to be alive due to certain circumstances.

I sipped at the coffee and waited for the sun patiently.

'You won't get a good view from there,' he told me which made me turn to him with a smile on my face.

'Where then?'

He held his right hand out as his coffee was in his left. I hesitated before placing my hand in his and followed him to the back of the house.

His hand was warm and comfortable.

Lailah what are you doing!? Get your hand out of his! Right now! Look at him...you cannot trust someone like him! Khalas! Just enjoy the moment...stop overthinking shit Lailah.

I gulped when I saw him climb up a ladder to get to the roof.

'Umm what is this?' I asked and he smiled before gesturing that I follow him.

'Yazaar there is no way that I'm doing that,' I told him and he smirked.

'What are you scared?'

I shrugged. 'Yes.'

He stared at me for a little too long before clearing his throat. 'If you don't come now, you'll miss it.'

'Okay help me!'

When I was close to the edge he took my cup before setting it down and pulling me up. I ended up too close to his face and gulped.

Falling For Yazaar (Will Be Rewritten) Where stories live. Discover now