Chapter 2.

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I woke up to more fucking yelling. I mentally groaned and rolled over. Jack wasn't in bed to I guessed he was downstairs or in the shower. I got dressed in some black skinny jeans, a pair of grey and purple leopard SUPRA's, a T-shirt, and a black jacket with grey angel or... I dunno maybe demon wings on the back, put some makeup on, and brushed my hair out before going downstairs. I passed Bobby and Angel to sit on the couch and saw Jerry just watching them laughing.

"Loca Ono is not stayin in this house!"

"Bullshit, Bobby!" Angel yelled.

Ohmyfuckinggod it's to early for this.

"I don't care, La Vida Loca ain't stayin in this house one more night. Tell her to get her stuff-"

"Is this your house? Is this your house?" Angel kept yellin over Bobby.

"This ain't a homeless shelter and yes I run-" Bobby yelled back before Angel cut him off again.

"You don't run shit, Bobby. You do not!"

"Hey Bobby!"

Everyone looked to the stairs. Sofi was standing at the end. She yelled at Bobby in Spanish. Something I sure as hell didn't understand. Angel tried to calm her down and failed. I laughed with Jerry as Bobby and Sofi kept yelling at each other.

"Go upstairs!" Angel yelled.

"Why do you let him talk to me like that!?" Sofi yelled back slapping his hand away.

"Was I speakin Spanish?" Bobby said.

"What is wrong with you?" Sofi yelled.

"Would you stop talking to my girl like that man!" Angel yelled walking back to Bobby.

Sofi went back upstairs and slammed the door shut.

"Vamos!" Bobby yelled up the stairs.

"That's what I'm talkin about Bobby." Angel said.

"Well, she wasn't your girl as of yesterday, she had another man, so I'm confused." Bobby said calming down.

"What are you talkin about? She is my girl!" Angel yelled again.

"Alright! Let's just play some fuckin turkey cuttin man, how bout that?" Bobby yelled hitting the puck across the room with his hockey stick.

"You guys are lucky as hell Rev loves you." Jerry said still laughing.

Bobby and Angel looked at Jerry then me.

"You fuckin woke me up. Ass." I said glaring at Angel.

"Bobby was yellin too!" He said pointing to Bobby who hit his hand away.

"Ya, but you woke me up at 2 in the fuckin morning too. So I can blame you if I want." I said getting up and going to the kitchen. I could hear Bobby laughing at Angel with Jerry.

I walked into the chicken and saw Jack working on the turkey for tonight's dinner.

"Why are you working on dinner so early?" I asked looking at him.

"I'm not, you just slept until 3 in the afternoon." He smirked.

I looked at the clock. 2:59.

"Lies! It's not three! It's 2:59! So shut up!" I yelled.

He looked at the clock, smirked, then looked back at me.


I looked back a he clock and it had changed. I hit his arm and he laughed. I turned and went back to the living room where Angel was throwing shit at Bobby and Jerry, and Jerry was complaining because he was 'watchin the game'. I sat by Bobby who was stretched out over the couch, catching the things Angel was throwing and throwing them back.

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