Chapter 3

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Johnny explained to us what he heard about Evelyn getting killed. He said there was a hang out for some kids who might know more downtown, so Bobby, Angel, Jack, and I jumped in the car to check it out.



Jack glanced at me, then rubbed the back of his neck, "I think we should drop Rev off at the house."

"What?!" I yelled.

Bobby turned to look at us.

"Look, we don't know could happen when we bust in there and I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm not gonna get hurt! Angel and Bobby wouldn't let anything happen, and I know you sure as hell won't. Either way, I can take care of myself."

"Jack, she'll be fine. It's just a couple of kids." Bobby said, turning and starting up the car.

"Fine." Jack sighed.

He leaned back and stared out the window until we got there. Bobby jumped out and popped the trunk.

"You got a burner?" He asked Angel.

"I flew in."

"Alright. Be careful with my baby.." He said, pulling out a towel and unwrapping it, exposing a sweet, polished pistol.

Angel 'woo'd'.

"You like that?" Bobby laughed.

"Ammo?" He asked, inspecting the gun.

"Ya it's loaded little brother, be careful."

Bobby turned back to the trunk and pulled out a red container.

"Here, hold the hold the gas can." He said pushing it in Jack's hands.

"We're gonna do that gas thing?"

"Ya we're gonna do that gas thing." Bobby said, mocking his voice.

"The only thing that scares people more than getting burned to death is getting eaten alive." He grabbed a shotgun and started closing the trunk but I stopped him.

"Wait, what do I get?"

"Oh, you're coming with us?" Pushing the trunk open again, he grabbed a crowbar.

"Here you go sweetheart, poke him with that."

"Oh thanks." I said sarcastically.

"You're welcome."

I rolled my eyes and walked after Bobby and Angel towards the hide out. I heard Jack chuckle behind and turned to glare at him.

"I could always beat you to death." I said, holding up the crowbar.

He laughed and threw his arm around my waist, side hugging me. I smiled and laughed. We walked up to the building. Jack tensed and glanced at me as we got closer.

"Alright, ready?" Bobby said, not actually looking for an answer.

He smashed the door open and stood against the wall looking around the corner, "The PoPo's is here! Ya'll better run man, these white cops are crazy!" He yelled turning the corner and walking down the hall, cocking his shotgun.

When we got to the leader of the gang, Bobby pushed him into a chair and handed Jack the shotgun, taking the gas can. Angel turned and watched the kids that hadn't run out of the building.

"What the hell are you doin here man? Ya'll ain't no cops!" The leader kid yelled.

"Ya you're gonna wish we were the cops when I'm done with you." Bobby replied.

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