Chapter 3

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[Chaeyoung's POV]

"Come on, Son Chaeyoung... You can do it... Just ask her out for a meal... It's nothing hard..." I mumbled to myself.

It's hard for me to ask Mina out for a meal because I have the plan of confessing to her.

When I saw Mina putting her things on her desk, I start to panic.

'Calm down... Just ask her out...' One part of my mind say.

'But I am scared of rejection...' Another part of my mind says.

When I heard knocks, it send me back my senses.

"Come in." I said and the door opened, revealing Mina.

"Your coffee." Mina said and put it down on my table.

"Thanks. Please inform me of my schedule later." I said and Mina nodded.

"If there is nothing else, I will take my leave." Mina said and I nodded.

She then head to the door and was about to step out of my office, I stopped her.

"Wait... I have something to ask you." I said and she came back in, closing the door behind her.

"What is it, Mr. Son?" Mina asked.

"Can we have a meal together later?" I asked.

"What?" She asked.

"I said, can we have a meal together later?" I asked and she asked why.

"Well, I just want to have a meal with you. Can I?" I asked and she nodded.

"Good. Then we will go to the nearest restaurant later. I have booked a private room." I said and Mina nodded.

"Alright, you may go to work." I said and she bowed before leaving.

I then called the restaurant's manager to help me prepare a bouquet.

When I ended the call, I went back to working.

When the lunch time finally arrive, I wore my suit ad went out of my office.

I then saw Mina's fingers dancing happily on the keyboard.

"Ms. Myoui." I called and she turned around.

"It's lunch time now." I said and she nodded.

"Actually, what is this meal about? Work?" Mina asked.

"Totally not about work." I said and she looked at me, confused.

"Then what is it about?" Mina asked and I smiled to her.

"You'll see later." I said and we both left the company together.

We went to the nearest restaurant and I told the waiter my name.

"Mr. Son, this way please." The waiter said and we went to the room I've booked.

"This is the menu. Ring the bell once you are ready to order." The waiter said and bowed before leaving.

Me and Mina discussed about what we want to eat and after a few minutes, I pressed on the bell button.

The waiter earlier come in and took out a notepad and clicked the pen.

"May I know your order?" The waiter asked.

"You order first." I said and Mina told the waiter her order.

"What about you, Mr. Son?" The waiter asked and I told him my order.

"Food will be served about 10 minutes later." The waiter said and we nodded.

He then took the menu before leaving the room.

"So... What is the thing you want to talk about?" Mina asked.

"Oh yeah... Well... Erm... I... I have something to tell you." I said.

"What is it?" Mina asked and I gulped.

"I... I like you... Since we first met at the indoor garden... Will you accept me?" I asked.

Silence surrounded us and I know that Mina will reject me.

I looked down and clenched my fists.

"It's okay... I'm just telling you my feelings. It's okay that you don't want to accept me." I said and Mina speak up.

"Who said I don't want to accept you?" Mina said and I looked at her to see her smiling.

"You mean you'll accept me?" I asked and she nodded shyly.

I smiled and hold her hand that's resting on the table.

"Thank you for accepting me." I said and Mina smiled.

"I swear, I will bring you to meet my parents one day." I said and she nodded.

"But will your parents accept me? I'm just a ordinary woman living in Seoul. Not rich, no wealth status, not pretty and no fame." Mina said and looked down.

I then raised her head by the chin and make her look at me.

"Don't say that. You are the most perfect woman to me." I said and she smiled.

"And you're the most perfect man in the world." Mina said and I smiled.

Someone then suddenly knocked the door and I sit back my seat.

The door opened, revealing the waiter earlier.

He then served our food and left the room.

Mina and I quickly finished the food due to our hunger and after that, we went out to pay for the food.

The manager then pass the bouquet to me and I pass it to Mina.

"For me?" Mina asked.

"Of course. You will be the only woman I will ever give bouquet of flowers to in my entire life." I said and Mina blushed.

After the payment, we went back to the company together and there is a lot of people looking at us.

When I entered my office, I saw many people going to Mina and asking her about the bouquet of flowers and why we come back to the company together.

It takes a while for the crowd to leave Mina and she look at me.

I smiled to her and she smiled back before going back to work.

When the time flies and reaches the time to knock off, I went to the car park.

When I was about to get in my car, I heard a familiar shout.

I looked around and saw Mina.

She talking a guy and the guy keeps trying to hold Mina's hands but Mina keep shaking his hand away.

I then went up and pulled Mina behind me.

"Who are you?" The guy asked.

"Who are you? Can't you tell that she wants you to leave?" I said and the guy furrowed his eyebrows.

"Fine... We will talk next time, Myoui Mina." The guy said and left.

After the guy left, I decided to send Mina back in case the guy come back to pester her again.


Who is the guy? Read to find out!
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