x. the battle of azzano

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"When I die, let me go." -- Down Like Silver, Wolves

~ ~ ~ 

They arrived at Azzano to the sound of gunshots and shouting. Sam shifted the rifle across her shoulders, heart pounding against her chest.

"Alright men, rally up!"

She looked over to the source of the shout, where the 107th Captain stood. He was a middle-aged man, with closely shaven hair and a battle-worn face. Their entire encampment presses close upon his shout, waiting for orders.

Sam fell behind Dum Dum, though she could barely see over his shoulder. To her right, Bucky whistled and gestured to an empty spot at his side. She hurried over, smiling gratefully.

"We've got the odds here, but that doesn't mean you go into the fighting with anything less than your wits and your best face about you. I don't want to have to send out any more letters and I'm tired of burying this nation's best men. Is that understood?"

'Understood' was the resounding cry, but Sam's mouth felt as dry as cotton. She mouthed the word, the rifle slung over her shoulders suddenly feeling thirty pounds heavier.

"Now, let's go out there and finish this battle. Hear?"

This time, Sam found her voice. "Hear!"

I am not afraid.

But she was. Despite her promises to herself and her sworn oaths, Sam was terrified. The sound of gunshots was smothered by the shouts of her comrades as they started toward the fighting and she found herself jostled along with them. This was what she had signed up for. This was what she wanted.

But even so, Sam was afraid.

"Stick close to me, smalls," Bucky said. She forced a smile.

"What, worried I'm going to take all the glory?"

He barked a laugh. "Sure, if that's what you want to tell yourself. Just try not to get killed, aight?"

Sam's mouth suddenly felt dry. "Right." She glanced toward the evening sky; the sun was fading. But the gunshots were loud again, if not louder. Maybe it was just her. Maybe she was just panicking.

She pulled her helmet low, swallowing hard.

My name is Samantha Clarence. And I am not afraid.

~ ~ ~

"Freshie, get down!"

Sam's heart leaped into her throat and she ducked deeper into the trench, right as something exploded over her head. Her heart pounded harder. She gripped her gun tightly, fingers long since turned white.

"C'mon, would you?" Dugan ran down the trench, beckoning for her to follow. Shoving herself up, Sam raced after him, gunshots ringing past her ears.

"I thought you said this was gonna be easy?" She could barely hear her own voice over the chaos. "They're everywhere!"

"This is a war, freshie, there ain't nothing easy about it!" He started forward, then stumbled back as the way before them exploded. There was a body among the debris; Sam stared, unable to tear her eyes away. Dum Dum swore, letting loose a string of curses that could have curdled milk.

"Back, we're going back!"

She whirled around, starting back down the trench. But suddenly, someone shouted her name. She didn't have time to react.

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