Day 5 - Angst w/ Students

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This version contains Kiribaku. I understand some people don't ship that, and so you can skip to the end of the chapter for a version I've altered so you don't have to be involved in a ship if you don't like to.
Just don't get angry in the comments at people who do like it, or don't like it. Calm down y'all.

“Hey, Pikachu.”
Kaminari turned his body toward the gruff voice. “Heya Bakugo!” he waved and flashed a smile. “Ya need somethin?”
“No.” The soon-to-be hero in question muttered, his brows frowned. After a moment of silence, though, he asked his initial question. “Do you know where Kirishima is?”
He had had an awful feeling all day long. Kirishima had called sick today and Iida had volunteered to take notes for him. Studying those notes was his excuse not to be out right now.
But Kasuki didn't believe him. He had an awful gut feeling and those feelings are scarcely wrong whenever it came to the guy. He couldn't predict the future, persay, but he knew something was happening and he knew it was bad.
“Uhhh...” Denki thought for a moment, licking his lips a bit in concentration. And since he hadn't put chapstick on for a while, he kept forgetting and now he was regretting it and just using his saliva as a temporary replacement.
“He'd probably be in his dorm, right? You got his number, you should ask him, not me.” He snorted a little. He found it funny that Bakugo could actually remember his name out of everyone in the class, even the one he'd known since even before he got his quirk.
Bakugo growled slightly, “He won't pick up or answer you fucking idiot!” he snapped, not appreciated being underestimated the way he toltally was, and he also definetly did not like to be laughed at. “Do you think I'd be goin to you if he had!? I tried thst already, who do you think I am, Dunce face?!”
Bakugo whipped around, grumbling and heading for the elevator. He was gonna go to Kirishima's dorm room whether the guy wanted it or not. It was his punishment for not picking up the phone! That dumbass, making him all worried n shit.

“KIRISHIMA!” Bakugo shouted, banging on the door. He tried the knob the second he could reach, but it was locked.
After a moment, he heard the redhead's voice. “I'll just be a second.”
“No, right now!” He barked, nor wanting to wait any longer. “You made me wait long enough, shitty hair.”
The door opened a second later, and Kirishima, his hair down, backed up immediately, just in case Bakugo felt like giving him a few mini blasts. He wasn't in the mood for using his quirk.
The lights were off.
“I was asleep, I'm sorry.” he said uncharacteristically. Kastuki picked up on this and walked into the room, slamming the door behind him and turning the light on.
Kirishima visibly backed up a bit and closed his eyes tightly, a small smile cracking on his face — Bakugo saw through it in a second. “Hahah, warn me next time, bro. It's been off all day, yer killin' me here.”
Bakugo took a look around, then studied Kirishima, seeming to size him up the way he had when they'd met for the first time. Then, without giving Kirishima a second to react, Bakugo grabbed his face in one swift moton and pulled them close.
The redhead almost immediately felt his cheeks heat up, and he was fighting an awfully strong urge to lean in and close the space, but he refused to give in to that.
“You're... very close.” he murnured, trying to hide the embarrassment and how flustered he had gotten. Just fron thst one simple motion.
Bakugo stared daggers at him, studying seemingly every inch on his face. He opened his mouth, and Kirishima braced his ears to be shouted at. “Your eyes are red!”
That wasn't what he'd expected at all. Kirishima almost snickered, finding his lips in a sort of smile around Katsuki's fingers. “Yeah, they are. I know. I've had em since I was born.”
“No, you fuckin idiot!” Bakugo barked, letting the guy go and giving him a small shove. “I know they're red! Not that part, you dunce — I'm talking about the whites, they're all red and weird, like you were cryin' or some shit! Were you!?”
That caught Kirishima even more off guard. Was it that obvious? Could you tell? Since when was Bakugo of all people that observant, nevermind actually ask about it in a non-teasing way?
“Wh... What?” He caught himself quickly, knowing how much Bakugo hated repeating himself. “I know what you said just.. What?”
The taller growled slightly, “I want to know why the hell you're crying.”
“Oh, it's nothing. I told you I was sick, hahah.” his pointy teeth showed through the laughter, and if Bakugo didn't know any better, he'd think he would bite his lip when he closed his mouth. “I just sneezed a bunch, no big, bro.”
“NO! I know what it fucking looks like when you cry, I grew up with that damn nerd Deku!” Bakugo went over and invited himself a seat on Kirishima's bed.
“Tell me what made you sob to make your eyes all puffy and red like that!”
“You heard me!”
Kirishima swallowed thickly, looking at Bakugo. He had heard him and just contemplated actually telling him. “You don't gotta, bro, I'm fine, I promise.”
Bakugo wasn't having any of his excuses. “I'm not leaving this room until you tell me!”
Kirishima took a seat next to Bakugo, swallowing thickly and messing with the fabric of his blanket. He was trying to figure out how to word it, but also how to get out of this situation and how to make it end as soon as possible.
“I'm waiting.”
“O-Okay, okay. I'm not sick I just..” Kirishima sighed and rubbed at his left eye, which quickly got his arm slapped back down to the bed. Katsuki knew he had a bad habit of rubbing thst scar. It usually didn't do much, it was too old to really be opened again — it wasn't a scab, but it was just so close to his eye that he accidentally scratched that sometimes.
“That was a complete lie, I'm sorry. I just don't like people worryin' about me, bro, they have their own problems and I ain't gonna force mine onto theirs.”
“Well I don't got problems, tell me yours.”
“I got room.” Bakugo snarled some, he just wanted Kirishima to tell him so thst he could help and prevent it from happening in the future. He cared about the guy, probably more than anyone else and maybe himself. That didn't mean anything, though.
“Alright- alright..” Kirishima sighed and fidgeted with his hands, stalling, mostly. “I-I-” he took a breath. “I'm having doubts that I really belong in this school.”
That wasn't what Bakugo expected at all. He was thinking it was someone who got seriously hurt in his family, something along those lines. Nothing like this.
“I-Its just- I'm barely fitting in with all you guys that have cool quirks and I'm in the lowest fivefor the written parts of exams. But everyone else who's lower than me has an absolutely amazing and devastating quirk, they're always so powerful.” He felt tears behind his eyes. He hadn't said anything about this out loud for a really long time and he really needed to let it out. He rubbed his eyes a little. “I.. I don't belong with you guys. Everyone who doesn't have that muh of a flashy quirk has the appearance to combat it, and the other way around. I don't got either, and my quirk isn't even that strong. I'm not that smart either, I don't have really any redeeming qualities..” Kirishima put his face in his hands, “I'm sorry, I know it's dumb, I'll be back tomorrow I just... couldn't today.”
When Bakugo didn't even respond, Kirishima glanced up at him, but pressed his lips together at realizing the blond was just staring at him. After another second, he whined “Why're you looking at me like that?”
“Eijiro, listen you dumbass.” Bakugo held his hand up toward his shoulder, and Kirishima almost thought be was going gto put his hand there but he instead received a blast that wasn't even mini, Bakugo put his back into that one. He almost wasn't able to combat this with the surprise of being called his assigned name by none other than Bakugo, who doesn't even know literally anyone's family name ever.
“What do you mena your quirk isn't strong? Anyone else would have been on the ground with that one! You're not though because your quirk can withstand explosions. For a good amount of time, too. Plus, you got fast reflexes. ”
Kirishima found his face heating up. “It's not for that long, I-”
“My explosions can't last forever! Quirks are an extention of your body and that means you can still loose your stamina and be unable to use them for a while.”
Kirishima opend his mouth, but Katsuki didn't even have to shout at him to get him not to retort. That was a good point.
“But it's about the presentation too, being a hero. Like Ashido, she's got a strong quirk and an eye-catching appearance. She'd be a great hero, hell, she already is one. Kaminari too. I'm just the rock with spikey hair that literally isn't even natural.”
“Let me tell ya, fans go crazy after the smallest things. You don't realize how many people are curious about your scar? That's eye catching enough, idiot, and so is spikey hair!”
“How do you know?”
“Because you caught my eye, little shit, how do you not put that together?”
Bakugo was really the only one who could insult Kirishima without him taking offense. He knew it was just how Bakugo was and that he actually was just showing affection.
“At least you're not at the bottom of the class. You being a fucking idiot isn't permanent. If you put effort tinto it you can learn and get better!”
Bakugo got close to his face again, wiping Kirishima's tears away and very breifly (yet still a bit aggressively) pressing his lips to his forehead.
He then got up and stormed toward the door. “I don't want to hear you talking bad about yourself EVER AGAIN! You got that?”
Kirishima didn't get a chance to respond or even react, Bakugo slamming the door shut behind him after flinging it open and leaving.

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