Day 3 - Children

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Karite proudly walked into the class of 1-A. With ease, she had completed the entrance exam. It was natural that she was smart, both her parents were extremely intelligent, and so she aced the practical aswell.
He eyes went to the teacher's desk, wanting to see who their teacher was.
A tall redhead with a long side tail was smilng at her. “Oh, hello! You're early.”
“Dad says it's better to be early than to be late.”
“That is true.” The teacher pointed to a desk, her hand suddenly growing in size as the tapped the desk with her fingertip. Karite figured that was where she was going to be sitting, so she nodded and walked over. There was one more kid in the room, but their face was hidden in a book titled ‘Nightblood’ and she couldn't tell — only able to see the tips of their fluffy, indigo hair under the white hood they were wearing. It resembled Suneater's.
Karite smiled. Hair was so cool. She, herself, had long purple hair down to her lower thighs with red and white streaks — the two large ahoges sharing the two colors. On the left, crimson, and on the right, white.
She was sitting a row behind and a column next to them, and looking at the uniform, confirmed the gender.
“Hey, girl!” she smiled, tapping her shoulder.
The girl jumped and whipped around, squeaking in surprise softly. She didn't say anything.
“What's your name? Mine's Hitoshi-Todoroki Karite!”
“... T-Togata Tami.”
What pretty bright blue eyes.
Then, a voice from behind the blue-haired girl scared the hell out of her — so much so that she flailed and fell to the ground. Well, almost to the ground. A large hand had caught her and returned her to her feet without a word.
“TOGATA!? AS IN MIRIO TOGATA!? YOU'RE HIS DAUGHTER!?” The high pitched voice shouted.
Karite blinked in confusion. “Okay- who's Mirio?”
The blond and green haired girl turned toward the only sat person in the room with a gasp. “You don't know who Mirio is!? Lemillion!? You've never heard of him!”
“Oh, I've heard of Lemillion, of course I have. I just didn't know his name.” Karote looked over at Tami, who's face was covered in all shades of blotchy pink. She was trying to smile, however, through the obvious nervousness on her face. “Your dad's Lemillion? Cool!”
Karite's voice didn't sound enthusiastic, but anyone who knew her would know she was very excited. She always seemed blunt and emotionless, as both of her parents seemed most of the time, but she was feeling those feelings. Actually, very strongly — more so than many.
“Y-yeah... Um..” Tami stood where she was, not moving more than trembling. She didn't even want to sit down. Too close, too many people, they already know her father is one of the best heros around, what would they say? Worry coarsed through her veins and it only got worse as the tallest of the there snatched up the book. She made a face. “How do you read this!? It's not even in Japanese!”
“U-uhm- I-Um..”
“Didn't you take English in school, Hinagiku?” Karite asked, snorting a little as she attemptrd to grab the book back. She was too short. “I can read it, it says ‘I-’” She couldn't get past that before the tallest dropped the book on the ground. “Whatever, Karite.”
They had been friends since they were little, but Hina had intermittent explosive disorder and Karite had enough one day in seventh grade. She had expected her to be a hero, but didn't think she'd get into the hero course with this power.
Yet, she held her bitterness toward the girl back. She was willing to reforge their friendship if Hinagiku had changed, or was making an effort to change, at least.
Karite picked the book up again and put it back onto it's rightful place. Hinagiku had sat in hr seat, in the front of the room, next to the window.  It filled Karite with a sense of.. She didn't know the word. She was almost happy that Hina was getting told off. It hadn't usually happened, but it felt good that she'd gotten what was coming to her. Karite took her seat once more and watched pensively as Tami slowly made her way back to her seat aswell.
Other kids walked into the room before class started, most of which Karite didn't know. A little girl with light pink hair, a little girl who was wearing the guy's uniform with brown hair and big round glasses over her... Their eyes, a little boy with bright orange hair that fell long onto his shoulders, and a girl with her short, dark purple hair in a short little bun.
Then the petite boy with bright yellow hair walked into the room, the small ahoge on his head holding a surprisingly dark color. He wore a big pair of headphones that read ‘HagE’  around his neck.
“Ogoe-de!” Karite shouted, jumping up from her seat and scrambling over — almost knocking over a poor boy with long, light pink hair in a green ponytail.
She grabbed her old friend by the waist, squeezed him and lifted him up, then spun him around. She then plopped him onto the floor. “Ahhhh, I missed you!!” Karite squealed. “I didn't think you could get into here! You didn't tell me you'd be here! Awwe, why didn't you!?”
‘I wanted it to be a surprise.’ Ogoe-de signed, a light blush on his face. He felt a bit embarassed, Karite wasn't like this with anyone else that he knew of and it made him happy, yet he felt eyes on him.
“Aww, yer so sweet! How did you pass the exam though?”
Ogoe-de didn't sign anything, nor say, he just looked around. 'after-school?’
“At lunch?”


As Tami made her way out of class, she stayed silent and waited for the crowd to disperse before walking through the hallways. As she exited the school, she pulled her father's hood back up onyo her head. She'd had to take it off during the day.
Someone caught her eye, however, and she looked up, curious. It was the end of the day and she was just on her way home, but two people blocked her path. Intentionally.
“Um...” the voice was soft, but she threw a half-hearted smile on her face. “Hello..!”
There was a little boy with lavender hair, and an older woman, possibly his mother, who looked about 23, with her hair in swirley twin-tails in a bubblegum pink. She wore blue glases and had green eyes, the left one a big lighter of a color, aswell as the pupil being more dilated.
Kami complimented her dress, finding it genuinely really pretty, and she wore it well with her candy colored pallet.
“Aw, thank you!” She smiled, showing straight white teeth. “Could you help us with something, you're in UA, right?”
“Um... Yes. What did you need?” Kami was shaking. She didn't like talking to people, her anxiety too strong, yet she envied her father's ability to smile throughout almost anything and was trying to do the same.
“Shaki wants to take a poll.”
The little boy, who'd kept his mouth shut and pressed into a smile, pulled out a clipboard and pen.
“He wants to find the types of quirks in the school. Mutation, emitter, or transformation. Could you check a box?”
“Uh..” Unable to keep the smile going, she nodded slightly. Tami took the pen and checked the 'transformation' box.
The two thanked her as she gave it back, and walked past.
That was a lot of interaction she wasn't prepared for.


Karite's fire fizzled from her free hand as her other shot up to her ear, the ear-shattering sound of Ogoe-de's amplified scream killing her eardrums.
Along with the tears of pain, she felt tears welling for a different reason.
She hadn't heard her friend's voice in years, and here he was, using his quirk.
Ogoe-de developed aphonia at a rather young age, and since his quirk was a combination of his fathers'; his voice able to amplify to extremely high levels, and whoever can hear him's quirk gets erased. But without his voice, he couldn't use his quirk, and Karite knew he was devastated.
She even used her own quirk at times to allow him to have one, even if she was only loaning hers to him and he couldn't even remeber most of what was happening.

Karite trapped him in a bear hug, brimming with delight. “Best surprise ever!” she squealed, bouncing a little bit.

BNHA WeekOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora