Chapter 12 (Epilogue)

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A week later, Erika entered the Grand Principal's room. The latter already prepared two champagne glasses and a 18th Century wine on the desk between them. When the former sat on the chair, the latter began to pour the wine on both glasses. They toast and drank it.
"I received information from the Federation that they are in a process of matchmaking for us. The match will be made soon."
"I guess we cannot expect that our first match isn't gonna be easy."
"Indeed." She pour the wine again onto both glasses and they drank. Afterwards, she said, "Do you know what day is this?"
"May 2. Your birthday."
"Ha! You know that it was a bad omen for us but now, it my glorious day. By the way, I'm having a parade."
"Yes! But it's not just a parade, but a Grand Parade. It will be in Ferdhernhalle Plain, this morning. You are highly obligated to attend it to review your sensha-do team passing."
"Yes, Madam Principal."
"Good. Want more?"
" I'm going to dress up for the event."
"Okay. Be there before 8."
"Thank you." Then she left while the Grand Principal stared at her with concern.

At the event, the two arrived at the Ferdhernhalle Plain aboard a dark gray Sd.Kfz. 247 Ausf.A bearing the school's logo. The crowd jubilated them as they went to the review stand and the parade begins (inspired by the April 1939 military parade).

The parade was watched by everyone whether on TV screens or live. Even the other schools such as St. Gloriana, Pravda, and BC Freedom watched it with keen interest. In Ooarai, it was watched on a large projector in front of the Tank Grounds. The students' reactions were mixed.

When the sensha-do team passes, both Erika and the Grand Principal saluted them with proudness. After all of them are passed, they sat on the chair while waiting for the next to pass through them. Just then, Erika's phone rings.
"Erika," Maho spoke.
"Affirmative. Transport the tank ASAP."
After the first call, she turned to call the Transportdivision.
"We'll transport the tank at 15:00 hours."
"Affirmative, Captain."
"Good luck."

After the parade, which lasted for more than 4 hours, she went to the Transportdivision HQ. The Gigant was sat on the runway with its engines roaring and the dark gray colored Tiger tank was loaded into the cargo bay. Erika volunteered to be the pilot while Zaika and three of the Wagen Club members volunteered to be the crew members of the tank. When everything is clear, the Tower gave the pilot a signal to take off and she pushed the throttle to begin the take off. Rocket boosters were necessary for this procedure (in this case, 12 of these were equipped underneath the wings while historically just 4 or 6). The plane flies just shortly before reaching the end of the runway (but the boosters were remained).

At Ooarai, just a few hours before sunset, Maho was walking alone. Along the way, she remembered something. A few days ago, she opened her laptop to type an e-mail to the Sensha-do Federation, particularly its President.
"Dear President," she typed, "on behalf of Kuromorimine and Ooarai, I would like to involve in the Winter Continuous Track Cup..." She continued to type the e-mail which lasts for more than half an hour. When she's finished, she reviewed and send it to the said person. Afterwards, she began to feel worried but was forgotten as days pass by. It was now that this feeling was ressurected as she walks home.

After passing through the school's gate that late afternoon, someone called her.
"Maho." It is a familiar voice and when she looked behind her, she had no doubts. It's her mother who called her.
"Mother." She said.
"Maho, do you want to return to Sensha-do?"
"No time to explain, Maho! Do you or do you not?"
She fell silent for a while and replied.
"Mother, I always wanted to join Sensha-do. But, at that time, you took my sister away and made me felt alone. I may have excelled that sport but when I was defeated by someone whom I thought cannot compete against me, I started to realize that I was wrong about the style of Sensha-do you taught. So, I need to find my own style of Sensha-do."
"Maho, I've always love you both." This surprised her, "when I transfer Miho to Ooarai, I felt a little pain over my heart. That pain grows as I live alone in our home. I knew to myself that I did what I must do to you. And now," She showed a print out of Maho's letter with her signature emblazoned on top of her name, identifying herself as the President of the Sensha-do Federation, "I will do it for you, Maho." This made Maho cry and after she gave it to her, she hugged her and said, "Good luck, in finding your own style."
"Thank you, Mother." Maho said emotionally and a few minutes later, Shiho left the school aboard an helicopter.

A moment later, her phone rings and she picked it up.
"We're approaching the Ooarai school ship from a distance." Erika, being the pilot, spoke, "You should be able to see the plane through the flashing lights."
The plane passed through on her right side.
"Yeah, I see you."
"The package will be delivered soon."
"Thank you."

She went to a flat open area near the school grounds. She lit up a flare at the center to indicate a drop zone.
"Ok," Erika said, "I saw it. Approaching target."
She began to lower the attitude and opened the door behind the cargo bay (this is a fictitious modified Gigant. The real counterpart only unloads when landed and through the aircraft's nose). A moment later, the Tiger's parachutes opened up and it began to slide it backwards, releasing it from the aircraft. The Gigant quickly gained altitude as the tank slides through the ground.
"Good luck, Maho." She called, "See you in Sensha-do." She ended the call.

When the Tiger's hatches opened, the crew, composed of Zaika and some of the Wagen Club, went out. Maho was surprised and said to them.
"I'm glad that you came back."
"We surely do, Captain." Zaika said to her, "The crew sticks together. So, we are gonna fight?"
Maho smiled and replied.
"Yes. For Sensha-do."

Author's post-work note: The novel/story as a whole was a result of the inspirations stated on the Credits. I revamped them all from my original written work. While some of the characters depicted are known to the anime, some like Zaika and the Grand Principal are a creation of my creative mind. The tank crews (except St. Gloriana and Ooarai) are particularly one of these creations because they didn't show them in the anime and they play a significant role in the plot of both the anime and the novel. As for the viewers thank you very much for seeing this first novel I made and expect for more anime-style novels. I love you all and keep on supporting. I would also like to remind you that I'm busy with school, work at home, finding for inspiration, and anything that might interfere with my progress in my other works in Wattpad. Your patience is highly recommended as I wanted my works to be close to perfection and/or making perfect sense as possible to entertain you guys. Like I said, I'm very busy at this time and that your patience will be appreciated once you read my other published works and comment if I had inaccuracies going through. You can request friend me on my FB page: Edward Vincent Briones, or visit my page: RedCobra Blitz GG but can you, if it is really possible, to inform me that you had read my works and/or watch my videos. Thank you all for reading this first novel and I'll publish more works for all of you.

Also read: Case Sakura: GIRLS und PANZER Neu Generations

Work in Progress: GIRLS und PANZER: Saga of the Super Pershing

EDITED: 25. März, 2021

GIRLS und PANZER: Maho ArcWhere stories live. Discover now