Chapter 4

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Erika entered the Grand Principal's office. The latter was surprised by her appearance.
"What is it that you brought yourself here, Kommandant Erika?"
She was hesitated at that time but, she approach her normally and answered as bravely as she can.
"I just want to asked you something."
"What is it? Anything that can help you?"
"I just want to know if there are other tanks that were lost on this school."
The Grand Principal seems skeptical about what she said. But then, she said to her.
" grandfather used to have a lot of tanks when I studied here for the first time. Most of them are light tanks but there are also a lot of medium tanks and tank destroyers, and a number of heavy tanks."
"What happened to them?"
"We used to won every sensha-do match at that time but when we were up against Pravda in the finals, we lost and he decided to store them underground except for few."
"I don't know. They may be scattered and difficult to find. By the way, why do you ask such a thing?"
"Just in case we need for reserves."
But it was a lie. Her intention was different.
"Ahh, I see. But, I need to think about it."
"Thank you, Madam Principal."
"You're welcome. You may leave."
Erika walked to the door. But a moment before she open it, the Grand Principal said to her.
"You will be called in my office once I had made up my mind about it."
"Affirmative, Madam."
Then, she walked out of the office and found a telephone (the same thing that Rommel used during the Western Desert Campaign) near her position. She dialed Maho's number to call her.

"Yes, it's me." It is her voice. "Who's this I'm calling to?"
"It's Erika." She answered. "I got some interesting discovery."
"Okay. What is it?"
"We have a lot of tanks buried underneath the surface of the ship."
"Hmm... that should help, isn't?"
"I need to investigate, though."
"Look, I'm not here to convince you to leave Ooarai but to help you just like you said in the past years."
"Hehe, I can remember that everyday. Hey, if we duel each other in a sensha-do match, let's have the best match we've ever had."
"Hehe, I'll never lose to you, Nishizumi."
Then, she ended the call. By then, the meeting at the Student Council office was over and her sister said to her.
"Why didn't you? You should have participate in the meeting."
"I'm so sorry, sister. I had an urgent call from one of my friends. They supported my decision to leave Kuromorimine and they wanted to help me to aquire a new tank."
"I understand. Anzu said that we're going to have a tournament in the Winter Cup. Kawashima was still obsessed in finding new tanks to join the ranks of our Sensha-do team. We'll find it underground this December. You want to come?"
"No thanks, sister. I got no expertise on finding things. I'm going back to your room."
"Okay. But, you can explore here if you want."
She thinks about it for a while. She agreed and they walked around the school grounds.

After she got on the latter, luckily that the huge doors were open, Miho told her sister that she'll use the CR nearby. While she was gone, she use this opportunity to approach Miho's Panzer IV Ausf.H. The side Schürzens was unattached from the tank to repair some parts of the armor while the turret, with its Schürzen still attached yet damaged, was hoisted from its position for the same purpose. She explored the compartments and examined each of them carefully. She wasn't obsessed with tanks but she always liked them when she study them.

When she was done, she was found by the Motor Club, the Leopon Team.
"Are you new here," Nakajima asked her, "Nishizumi Maho?"
"I am."
"Well then," Hoshino said, "Welcome to Motor Club."
"Seriously?" Nakajima said to her, "This early?"
"Sorry. I'm just trying to impress her."
"It's okay." Maho said, "I'm leaving now."
"Leaving now?" Suzuki said to her, "C'mon! Let's hang out for a while."
The rest supports her.
"In the Motor Club," Nakajima said, "we hang out after work. So, why not we hang out before you leave."
After thinking for a while she finally decided to hang out with them.

They sat in front of the Panzer IV with snacks that shared to all of them. Miho secretly watched them with impression.
"Hey," Tsuchiya started, "Remember the time we take the work for the Porsche Tiger?"
"Yeah!" Nakajima replied, "It's funny how Kawashima spoke when she said (imitating her voice)"Get it done! Now!""
"Yeah." Hoshino said, "She always on a dictatorial mood, especially when we were told to hoist the whole tank to the surface."
"Hey, Maho," Nakajima spoke to her, "Do you know how long did we take to hoist it to the surface? About a few days!"
"Wow." She was quite surprised, "That was a difficult job."
"Well, we had rest but the hard thing is that one of us had to watch it because it might fall again, even at night!"
"How long did you all work?"
"We are the Motor Club for a few years. We never change our friendship and work. That's why we want to stay. By the way, that's a great match we've experienced at the finals. Your command style was well-coordinated. Thank you for that match."
"You did your best too. I appreciate that."
"Oh yeah." Hoshino now spoke, "Let's talk about Miho. Maho, did you always work together with your sister back in Kuromorimine?"
"We used to have many experiences of working together back then. But, when she left, I thought it was over."
"We understand." They said to her and Nakajima spoke. "A sacrifice that changed her life forever."
"Now that you are on our school," Suzuki said, "you are also part of the team."
"Thank you, guys." Maho said
Such experience boosted her morale in her heart. They continue to hang out about themselves until nighttime. For Miho it was the beginning for her sister to befriended. So after the hangout, they return to their homes to have dinner. Maho found her sister and walked home.

EDITED: 24. März, 2021

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