Chapter Twelve

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While Sgt Pierce and Shadow company were setting the bombs to the starboard reactor, Darth Aolroth and Darth Xhax battled through Imperial Forces within the dreadnought until they made their way to the bridge, where Darth Thanaton and a Pureblood Sith Lord were waiting.

Pureblood Sith Lord: They're here.

Darth Thanaton: So the False Emperor lacked the courage to face me himself? So he sends his underlings to do his dirty work?

Darth Aolroth: I am no mere underling Thanaton. Your pride will be your downfall.

Darth Thanaton: Is that so? I'm afraid that won't happen. Lord Scourge? Deal with these traitors.

Lord Scourge: As you wish.

Lord Scourge then activated his crimson lightsaber and prepares to face the two Sith.

Lord Scourge: May you die like Sith.

Darth Xhax: May honor guide your blade.

Darth Xhax returned the respect as they began their fight. Darth Aolroth and his apprentice engaged Lord Scourge in a lightsaber fight. Darth Xhax lands a slash at his eye, but Scourge continues the attack. Eventually, Darth Aolroth and Scourge cross blades. Darth Xhax charges at Scourge, but Thanaton lunges at her and engages her in a heated lightsaber duel.

Darth Thanaton: Don't you realize that you serve a traitor young one?

Darth Xhax: I serve my master and only my master! You stand in the way of my master's vision!

The Kaleesh Sith unleashed a flurry of savage attacks upon Thanaton, but simply deflects the attacks.

Darth Thanaton: It's a shame that potential like you must be destroyed. Such a shame.

Darth Thanaton then lands several precise slashes on Xhax's legs, sending her to the ground. Thanaton completely ignores the wounded Xhax and turned his attention to Aolroth and joined Scourge in fighting him.

Darth Xhax: Master!

Darth Xhax yells as she tosses her lightsaber to her master, arming him with two lightsabers. Darth Aolroth unleashes a flurry of precise and savage strikes against Darth Thanaton and Lord Scourge. They soon reach a stalemate and stare each other down.

Darth Aolroth: Lord Scourge! You power would be better served in our Empire than the Sith! Join us.

Darth Thanaton: Lord Scourge may be a fool, but he's no traitor!

Lord Scourge: Malgus makes a valid point. The Empire is weak. Sith like you are nothing more than dogs!

Lord Scourge growls as he slashes Darth Thanaton's chest, fatally wounding him.

Darth Thanaton: fool!

Lord Scourge says nothing as he finishes Thanaton off and bows to him.

Darth Aolroth: Lord Aolroth.

Darth Aolroth: So you're under Malgus's command as well.

Darth Aolroth pieces together Scourge's defection.

Lord Scourge: Yes. I gladly serve Darth Malgus's cause. As for Thanaton, I wanted to personally end him myself.

Darth Aolroth checks on his apprentice and begins to lift her up. Lord Scourge escorts the two Sith to their ship. While making their way, Darth Aolroth contacts Sgt Pierce.

Darth Aolroth: Sgt! Fall back to the ship! Detonate the bombs!

Pierce(Communicator): Y......y......yes sir!

Sgt Pierce then detonates the bombs. The ship begins violently shake. Eventually, the three Sith make it to the ship where the severely wounded Sgt Pierce was being tended to by Lieutenant Temple. The ship managed to escape the Dreadnought as it was engulfed by the explosion. 

The ship carrying Darth Aolroth and his allies made it's way back to the Devastator where Commander Quinn was waiting for them at the hanger.

Quinn: My lord! I saw the Dreadnought explode, but I knew you would be successful!

Darth Aolroth: Commander! Have you men take Sgt Pierce and Darth Xhax to the medical facility!

Quinn: At once sir! Men! You heard the Sith! Get them to the Medical Facility at once!

Commander Quinn gave the Sith's orders to his men, who loyally complied.

Quinn: I'm afraid we have a problem my lord.

Darth Aolroth: What is it?

Quinn: A large Republic fleet has entered Ilum space and have focused fire on Malgus's flagship. We're providing support, but with the Imperial fleet still fighting, we're having a difficult time.

Darth Aolroth said nothing as the two reached the bridge. Darth Aolroth was visibly stunned at the fleet being devastated by both Republic and Imperial Forces. The holoterminal beeped, causing Darth Aolroth to activate it. The form of a wounded Darth Malgus appeared.

Darth Aolroth: Malgus.

Darth Malgus: Aolroth........It appears we've underestimated the resolve of our enemies.........the Jedi have sent a task for to eliminate me.

Darth Aolroth: Are they dead?

Darth Malgus: Yes, but one of them landed a killing final order for you will be this.......order the fleet to retreat! I will provide the distraction to give you time to escape. I name you my successor.

Darth Malgus laid his will upon the Sith.

Darth Aolroth: It will be done Malgus. It's been an honor serving with you.

Darth Malgus: Likewise Aolroth. May the new Empire prosper under your rule.

Darth Malgus said as he ended the communication. Darth Aolroth turns to Commander Quinn.

Darth Malgus: Commander Quinn, order the fleet to to retreat to the Outer Rim.

Quinn: Yes my lord!

Commander Quinn complied as he the order to the fleet to retreat. Before making the jump to Hyperspace, Darth Aolroth saw Malgus's flagship erupting into flames and explosions, effectively killing Malgus. Once they make the jump, Darth Aolroth walks to the Medical Facility to see Darth Xhax walking around and the Medical Droid providing Sgt Pierce with a cybernetic arm. His eye was blackend as the result of the Cyborg Sith's attack.

Pierce: Sir! We gave em hell didn't we?

Darth Aolroth: We have. You performed your mission flawlessly.

Pierce: I didn't have your permission to die. Shadow Squadron had a job to do and it did. I'm proud to bear these scars!

Sgt Pierce responds as the Medical Droid finishes attaching the cybernetic arm to Pierce.

Darth Xhax: You proved yourself to be a great warrior Pierce. You have my respect.

Darth Xhax extends her respect to the Sgt.

Pierce: Damn glad to hear sir.

As he finishes his sentence, Commander Quinn entered the Medical Facility.

Quinn: My lord. The fleet has been able to escape. I've sent some of our ship to provide support towards the other systems under our control.

Darth Aolroth: Good.

After a moment of silence, he lets his allies know of Malgus's will.

Darth Aolroth: By the will of Emperor Malgus, I am the new Emperor of his Empire.

Darth Xhax immediately bowed to her master.

Darth Xhax: True Peace is within our grasp. Darth Malgus sacrificed himself to allow us to continue his Empire. His death shall not be in vain.

Darth Aolroth then pondered everything had just happened. The prophecy that Rhalkos Maron has said to him. It seemed that his dream of True Peace for the Galaxy was within his grasp. Darth Aolroth had betrayed the Empire in order to fulfill his dream and ambition. Darth Aolroth was now ready to achieve his dream, no matter the cost.

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