Chapter Five

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Darth Xhax woke up in a dank cell within some kind of underground facility, chained up to a wall. She looks around the area and sees her master no where to be found. She then hears the sound of footsteps entering the area. It was a Trandoshan poacher and walks to her cell.

Trandoashan Poacher: A Kaleesh here on Kashyyyk? Boss is really gonna love this!

Darth Xhax: Where's my master, you scum?!

Trandoashan Poacher: You mean the Sith? He's down with the other prisoners. Boss is gonna sell them once he's done with......

But before he could finish, he felt his throat being crushed by the Force. After the Trandoshan fell to the floor dead, Darth Xhax used her enhanced the strength to break through her chains. She used Force Push to blast through the cell door and goes to the Trandoshan's corpse. The Sith Apprentice takes the poacher's vibroblade and sneaks through the facility. Hiding in the shadows, Darth Xhax takes the opportunity to listen in on a patrol of poachers passing by.

Trandoshan Poacher #1: So Tsur really caught himself a Sith?

Trandoshan Poacher #2: Looks like it. The Sith had a Kaleesh slave with him.

Trandoshan Poacher #1: Is she claimed?

Trandoshan Poacher #2: No. Tsur's got dibs on her.

Trandoshan Poacher #1: Why does he always get the good ones?

Suddenly, the poachers get some kind of message from their communicators.

Trandoshan Poacher #2: Looks like the Boss wants us at the arena. Let's go.

They go to where they were called to. Hearing about where Tsur was going to be, Darth Xhax heads immediately go to the arena. Darth Xhax sneaks to the arena and sees a crowd of Trandoshans, yet Xarthen Tsur was nowhere to be seen. She patiently waited for Tsur to present himself. Then Tsur made himself known and went to some kind of podium to  give a speech.

Xarthen: We got ourselves a valuable prize boys! As many of you may have heard, we found ourselves a Sith Lord! First we have a Jedi, now we have a Sith! Imagine all the credits we're going to have after we sell these two to the highest bidder!

Tsur continued to the sound of applause. As the Trandoshan continues his speech, Darth Xhax looks and sees him wearing a Kaleesh trinket as a necklace.


Darth Xhax yelled as she jumped into the crowd of Trandoshans, causing the Trandoshans to back away.

Xarthen: What is this?!

Darth Xhax: I am here to avenge my father! To avenge my clan!

But the Trandoshan laughs as he pulls out a blade.

Xarthen: Then I guess I'll just have to finish that little business! YOU WANT A SHOW BOYS!

The Trandoshans cheered in agreement as Darth Xhax and Tsur got into the ring and readied themselves for a fight to the death. Meanwhile, Darth Aolroth wakes up and finds himself in a ray shield next to a Jedi.

Jedi: So you've woken up?

Darth Aolroth: What is going on Jedi?

Jedi: Simple: Xarthen Tsur and his gang captured you and your companion. I don't know about your companion, but they plan on selling you.

Darth Aolroth: You as well?

Jedi: Yes. I was ambushed while infiltrating the facility to capture Xarthen Tsur for his crimes against the Republic.

Darth Aolroth: It appears you failed.

Jedi: I survived my encounter with the Trandoshans. My apprentice however was unlucky. He is one with the Force. What of you?

Darth Aolroth: I'm here to kill Xarthen Tsur. Anything after that is none of your concern.

The Jedi remained silent at the Sith's answer.

Jedi: I am Liam Dentiri. What's your name?

Darth Aolroth: Darth Aolroth.

Trandoshan Poacher: QUIET DOWN! I'm tired of your yapping!

Darth Aolroth: I have a plan. Can you use the Force to break down the generator to the ray shields?

Dentiri: Yes. What do you plan?

Darth Aolroth: Just do it.

As the Sith commanded, he began to use Force Choke to kill the Trandoshan. Liam then used the Force to crush the generator and deactivated the ray shields, freeing the Sith and Jedi. Darth Aolroth walked to the Trandoshan's corpse and took his lightsaber back.

Dentiri: You didn't have to kill him.

Darth Aolroth: I should cut you down where you stand Jedi! But as it turns out, I need your help.

Dentiri: A Sith asking for my help? I never thought Id see the day where a Sith would ask for my help.

Darth Aolroth: The enemy of my enemy is my friend. But only until that enemy is dead. Then we'll see where we stand.

Dentiri: Then what's your plan?

Darth Aolroth: You know where this place inside and out, correct?

Dentiri: More or less. I've infiltrated this place multiple times in order to learn the patterns of Tsur's patrols.

Darth Aolroth: Then you'll know where Xarthen Tsur should be.

Liam thought about all the possible areas where the Trandoshan would be.

Dentiri: There can only be one place where Tsur can be. He'll be in the arena. But we'll most likely going to have to fight our way through Tsur's men.

Darth Aolroth: That won't be a problem!

Darth Aolroth said with a smile as he threw the Jedi the other lightsaber that the Trandoshan had.

Dentiri: Then I imagine negotiation is not an option?

Darth Aolroth didn't reply to the Jedi's question and simply readies himself for a fight. 

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