1 (Prologue)

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Pain. Suffering. Sadness. Happiness. Annoyed. Anger. Hunger. Love. Repeat. Heightened senses. More emotions. I just want it to Stop!

"Saleaah?" My head shoots up at the sound of my mother's voice. She stares at my bundled up body in the corner of my bed. She looks at me with Pity, sadness. "Mom." I mumble. "Please stop.." She furrowed her eyebrows with Confusion. "Stop what?" She comes further into the room.

"Please! Don't come any closer!" I cry out. She puts her hands up in surrender and backs up to the threshold. "Please, Saleaah..please let us help you. What's going on?" I shake my head rapidly as tears begins to build up. "This is my burden to bare. Not yours." I whisper loud enough so she can hear me.

"Sweetie, you're 16. This pain you've been feeling has been going on long enough. We should take you to the elders." She pleads with me. "Mom, I'm fine..I promise." I stare at her with sad eyes. "You being coped up in a dark room all by yourself, balled up in a ball while rocking is not fine, Saleaah!" She cries out.

Tears start rolling down my face at the pain she's feeling. Because of me. "I'll try.." I mumble slowly starting to rock again. "What..?" She asks. "I'll try to be better. I'll be around everyone more." I tell, no, promised her.

"Saleaah.." she bites her lip. "I promise, as long as you all are happy. I am." I take a deep breath. She nods. "Dinner will be ready in an hour..clean up." She slowly turns and leaves. That's when my pent up emotions came out. A loud sob escape my lips.

So much, she's feeling so much pain. On top of that, there's the pain Leah is feeling for some reason. It's the feelings of Loss, Anger, Judgement, Betrayal. Seth is always happy, but deep down I can feel his sadness, he misses me. My dad is trying to cope. He's trying to be the one that is strong. All because of me.

"Sae." I look up to see Seth staring at me from the door. "Dinner is ready." He smiles slightly at me. I can feel the heart clench from him. He thinks I won't come down. Like I haven't for the past two almost three months. During that time, she barely went to school and managed to escape to the bathroom, and even that was hard to do. "Okay." I tiredly smile at him and throw my legs over the side of the bed when he leaves.

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