Dad wasn't much of a drunk. He didn't party as much as other people. But when there's a free drink, he doesn't think twice on taking the offer.

He made his way through the parking lot towards us. He smiled at Charles, but looked lost when he saw me. "What are you doing out here?" He asked.

Charles put a hand on my shoulder. "Speaking to me about dating my daughter." I felt myself blush, but I still smiled at his answer.

Dad chuckled a little and patted my other shoulder. "He won't hurt her. He's a gentleman."

I looked up at Charles and he had a nasty grin on his face. "Oh, I'm almost guaranteed he couldn't hurt my girl even if he wanted to." He patted my shoulder and turned. "Come on, both of you, before you both get a cold."

We made our way back in. Dad and Charles went straight to the bar, and I saw Tera sitting at a booth looking outside the window. I walked over to her and sat down on the other side of her.

"It went okay." I told her.

She cracked a smile. "I guess it did." She looked at me. "You're the first human to know what I am."

That hadn't surprised me. She always acted as if she were hiding something, and she must've done a pretty good job. That is until she came here and made the mistake of changing in front of me.

I put a hand on top of her's. "I won't do anything to spread your secret. I promise."

She looked at me, her golden eyes staring right into mine, and something hit. Her gaze turned to a look I'd seen her do in class. It was a look of study. "There's no way." She whispered.

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Before she could answer, Calum yelled across the bar. "James! I'm not paying ya to sit on your arse and flirt. Get back ta work."

I looked back at Tera and grinned out of amusement. "Guess that's my call." I stood up, running my thumb over her knuckle. "How long are you guys staying?"

She regained her normal composure and leaned back comfortably. "Whenever the old man is ready. Hopefully he won't be a drunken old-"

"I hear you Tera! I got ears like an animal." Charles yelled across the room.

"Yeah, it must run in the family!" Okay, maybe that was pretty funny, but since I'm getting use to the werewolf thing, I didn't quite find much humor of the joke. Still have more fear than entertainment over the subject.


"You work pretty hard there." Dad told me as he was slowly cruising the streets of town. He offered to give me a ride after work. It was close to around 12, and Dad wanted to leave before Charles's 'influence' got him too drunk to drive.

I looked ahead at the darkness, lightly bobbing my head to the beat of Dad's classical rock mixtape. "It's not too bad." I replied.

"Not too bad? You basically busted your ass in there for that loud Irish bastard." I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm surprised he doesn't pay you more."

I shook my head. "He has offered to give me more, but I tell him it's not really necessary." Calum might always give me hard times, but he has shown interest in me and gratitude. He's offered to give me a raise many times, and time after time I've rejected.

Dad shook his head. "It makes me even more proud to see you working so hard." His voice was strange. He wasn't use to saying stuff like that to me, and it was weird for me too, because I wasn't use to hearing it come from him.

We finally had made it home in one piece. The porch light was on for us. I guess Mom wanted us to be able to see. We made it inside and made our way to our rooms to get washed.

Right time I walked into my room and shut the door, a hand was placed over my mouth and another arm around my throat. It was so fast and aggressively that I started to struggle immediately from instinct.

"You're dead meat." A voice whispered in my ear.

"Tera?" I asked through the hand over my mouth. I knew her voice.

She let go, and I turned to see a grinning werewolf girl. "Gotcha."

I caught my breath for a second and leaned against the door. "You get really bored, don't you?" I asked.

She laughed a little and came closer. "Aww, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you so badly." She put her arms around the back of my neck and smiled a toothy smile in my face. She was turning us in slow circles.

"How do you always get up here?" I asked.

"The window isn't hard to get to if you have superhuman agility like us." She pecked me on the lips, and closed her eyes, then a small growl came from her chest. "I needed this."

She suddenly jumped and wrapped her legs around my waist, causing me to fall back. Luckily the bed was there to catch our fall.

She had her lips pressed against mine, and it was deep. Tongue and all, I was freaking out. I had never EVER been in a situation like this. I'd never even had a first kiss until she and I got together that night. But I was liking this situation. Sort of.

Her lips broke away from mine. "You have no idea how much I wanna do this." She basically was moaning it out.

I was gonna start to say something to try to get her to stop, but she started kissing and teasing my neck, and I felt my breathing pick up. It felt amazing. I was close to pushing her off when all of a sudden she used both her hands and grabbed both of my arms, spreading them and pinning them to the bed. I wasn't strong enough to overpower her since she was a werewolf.

This was a situation I enjoyed being in, but also didn't want to be in.

She Came From the Forest (James and Tera: book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon