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Here I was, in the middle of the woods, surrounded by a pack of wolves, all snarling and showing those pretty white fangs, waiting to tear me apart. I had come looking for clues of a dream, and instead I only seemed to think I had found death.

Before they could attack, when they were growling and barking with aggression, the air suddenly filled with the great howl of one wolf. Then suddenly, an almost bear-sized, dark figure came into my sight, in the middle of the circle with me. She didn't look at me, only at the other wolves, who were still growling but more softly.

They all huddled in front of us now, stalking around so they were facing her in a group, like a gym coach lining up their students for work. She barked, a majestic yet firm bark. They all looked down, and headed off back into the forest.

She turned and looked at me, her yellow eyes meeting mine. Her coat was as black as any animal I'd ever seen, and more beautiful as well. She had scars across her back that were almost not noticeable. They looked like scars from gunshots. Maybe someone fired a shotgun at her to wound her but not kill her. Had to be a shotgun, since buckshot spreads and a rifle goes straight through and does more damage.

I stood very still, not daring to move, or almost even breathe for that matter. I was petrified, being with a wild animal as this one. Why would she send her pack away though? Was there something people have missed about wolves that show some sort of compassion? No, it can't be. No animals that aren't domestic show compassion.

She slowly stalked towards me, her nose edging closer to my leg. My hands were shaking, and I was almost trembling with fear. Then, the most surprising thing happened.

A wet, warm tongue swept over my hand. My fear disappeared, leaving behind only cautious curiosity. I slowly reached my hand up and patted her once on the head. She followed my hand and licked it once more, like a normal dog.

I raised an eyebrow. "So let me get this straight." I said to the wolf. "I'm in the middle of the woods, walking with absolutely no weapon, not doubting the creatures that are around, and a pack of wolves surround me but the alpha saves me and even acts like a pet?" It was crazy! I must have been crazy too because I was talking like the animal could understand me.

She cocked her head at me, and let out her tongue and starting panting. I reached my hand back out to her, only for her to follow my hand with her eyes. She started whining a little when my hand went too high. "What's the matter?" I asked, lowering my hand back down. She then started to gnaw the strap of the bracelet. I reached up before she could slide it off. "Sorry. That's for a friend. She dropped it bumping into me and I didn't get the chance to give it back."

The wolf cocked her head, looked behind her, and turned back to me. Suddenly, she came and rubbed her body across and around my body. She was freakishly huge for a wolf. Not the kind of wolf I'd ever heard of or seen on the Internet. She reached just past my shoulders.

After rubbing almost every inch of my body, she gave me one final glance and stalked back into the forest, leaving me behind.

That experience, that encounter, wasn't natural for just any wolf. There was something wrong with that experience, something that was enough to keep my mind on it through my walk back home. I reached the edge of the woods, and I heard one final howl. Her howl.

I grabbed my bag from the steps and headed inside through the kitchen. Flower was sweeping the floor, and glared at me, which warned me to take off my shoes. I untied them and slipped them off. I started to walk out when she spoke up.

"You been in the woods again?" She asked, not looking at me as she grabbed the dust pan.

I nodded. "Yes ma'am." I admitted.

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