Question Session #6 (+300 View Special)

181 9 3

Nick: Soo.... We're at 300 views!
Madoka: Technically 400.
Nick: Shhhhh...
Ryuga: What the f-
Kenta: No swearing.
Ryuga: I don't give a s—! Why won't it let me say anything???
Yu: Cuz I've activated it to child mode.
Ryuga: Oh.
Gingka: Sooo What are we doing??
Nick: We're actually combining two in one! I thought this would work better honestly.
Doji: SO what's our question?
Nick: Here ya go.
@BlueThymia : Do any of you have a Crush? (Please Yaoi)
Doji: My only crush is money.
Hikaru: What the heck.....
Yu: No I don't like anyone....
Kenta: We're 14....
Ryuga: And I'm 18 you fetuses.
Benkei: Is it fetuses or fetusi?
Kyoya: I've never met anyone dumber in my life. But yeah. I don't like anyone.
Benkei: We're disappointing everyone by saying we don't like anyone.....
Madoka: Do you like anyone??
Benkei: No..... b-b-b-but what about you??
Madoka: I actually do. But I'm not telling anyone.
Hikaru: Same here.
Nick: What about Yu Kenta?
Kenta: Actually yes!
Yu: Was..... I the only one who caught that joke......
Nick: You're right! What about you Ryuga??
Ryuga: I don't. I'm way to busy to have a romantic interest. I have many better things to do.
Madoka: Really?? Then why are you blushing~~?
Ryuga: S-S-S-Shut Up!
Kyoya: And now you're stuttering?
Doji: S-S-Shut Up~~~
Hikaru: Don't Hurt Me Senpai!!
Ryuga: GINGKA! What about you?
Gingka: Well.... I like......
Kenta And Yu: What?
Ryuga: Oh my god. No you idiot...
Gingka: tRiPLe bEeF bUrGeRs!!!!
Benkei: W-W-W-What???
Madoka: I-
Yu: Not surprised.
Doji: Don't forget to vote on the chapter or I'm going turn 100% evil again.
Kenta: Please follow @NickthePenguino for more often updates and longer stories!
Gingka: Please add this to your Reading List if you enjoyed this!
Hikaru: And don't forget, Please ask us more questions!!
Nick: PS~ I'm a fujoshi and an otaku

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