Beyblade Fun Time!

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Ryuga: Yeah Nick. Great job with the title there. You got that creativity. 

Kenta: Actually, it was my idea. 

Ryuga: Well, Nick aproved it. Does it hurt you that much to add onto it?  

Nick: That's what we're doing. All in one sentence. 

Gingka: Can we see memes? 

Yu: A meme of all of us!! 

Kyoya: I want to see.  

Nick: Ok. Let's do this. You all can react to a meme that I'll show you. 


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Doji: I get paid for doing this. It's my living. 

Gingka: Oddsldsidcmewydsuowkcbedsuimcdsayufdsa #BEYBLADELIVESMATTER 

Ryuga: If It wasn't a sport then why would I do it.  

Yu: Blading is fun. Sports are fun. Ben-Ben! So that 

Benkei: B-B-B-Beylade is a sport.  

Madoka: Like Doji, I also get paid because of Beyblading. So does the WBBA announcer. 

Kyoya: How dare they insult the noble sport of blading. Those people-

Ryuga: Are really stupid. All offense.  

Gingka, Benkei, Kenta, and Yu: #BEYBLADELIVESMATTER 

Ryuga: #RyugaMatters #L-DragoMatters 

Nick: Not the point. 

Ryuga: So you say I don't matter? 

Nick: No. I mean, Yes. Ryuga, you do matter. On to the next meme! Let's do one of you.

 On to the next meme! Let's do one of you

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Ryuga: Nothing but the truth. 

Kenta: But, we're still alive.  

Benkei: Yeah!! 

Yu: Don't lie Ryuga~ 

Ryuga: You idiots! It's a meme! The other parts may not be true, but I am a blader and I am hot.  Right Nick? 

Nick: Why are you asking me? Ask Gingka or Madoka or Doji or Kyoya. 

Ryuga: Answer me or I'll steal $50 from you 

Nick: No comment. 

Ryuga: Guess who lost $50! 

Gingka: Can we buy burgers?    

Yu: Sure! 

Nick: Fine, fine! You look better than the average male. Just give me my $50. 

Ryuga: I'll accept that. 

Gingka: BURGERS? 

Madoka: No. Tell him Kyoya. 

Kyoya: No burgers, Gingka. 

Gingka: B-B-B-But.. 

Yu: You're starting to sound like Ben-Ben. 

Benkei: Yeah!  

Ryuga: I guess I could go for a burger.  

Gingka: R-Really??

Ryuga: -whispers to Gingka- "No, you dumb kid. I just said that so you'd get your stupid burger already." 

Gingka:-whispers to Ryuga- "Thanks."   

Nick: You........ forgot about me........... I pay..... for all your food......... 

Yu: Let's eat! 

Madoka: Nicola? You fine for paying for all of this? 

Nick: Yeah........................ and please call me Nick. 

Ryuga: Then I'll call you Nicola. 

Kyoya: Spark her misery!  

Caption: Just give the darn burger already

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Caption: Just give the darn burger already. 

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